Source: CSG

Latest Expertus Poll Finds Many Global Organizations Struggling to Train Customers and Channel Partners

Over Half of Training Professionals Polled Report Their LMS Is Limited in Its Ability to Support External Learners

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA--(Marketwire - August 31, 2010) -  Expertus (, a global provider of software and services that optimize the business impact of learning, today announced the results of a recent poll conducted among learning leaders. The poll, which was conducted in August in Expertus' Smart Tips for Learning Executives newsletter, consisted of one-question: Is your Learning Management System limited in its ability to support external learners such as customers or channel partners? The results found that 55 percent of learning professionals said yes; 45 percent said no. This poll question was asked of 42 learning leaders from primarily large, global organizations.

"These polls are a fantastic way to begin dialogue about larger issues -- and training the extended enterprise is incredibly important," said Ramesh Ramani, founder and CEO of Expertus. "How to train channel partners continues to be a hot topic as organizations see major benefits if they do it the right way."

Expertus recently rolled out ExpertusONE™ (, a revolutionary new social learning platform that brings together formal, informal and collaborative learning for all audiences across the enterprise -- employees, customers and channel partners.

A well-trained channel partner sales force has numerous potential benefits, including increased training revenue, product sales, and up-selling and cross-selling; reduced support costs, channel salesperson turnover, and cost of sales; improved time-to-market, win ratios, and customer loyalty; and shortened sales cycles.

To weigh in on future polls, subscribe to Expertus' email newsletter "Smart Tips for Learning Executives" on any page at To view results from a wide variety of full surveys conducted by Expertus, please visit

For information on Expertus, please visit or call Mike Murrell at 803-802-9971.

About Expertus
Expertus is the leading global provider of software and services that optimize the business impact of learning. For more than a decade, the firm's 500+ learning management professionals have defined and implemented plans, processes and technologies that transform training organizations - creating measurable value for the world's most successful corporations. Clients include ADP, Cisco, ConocoPhillips, EMC, Honeywell and Lockheed Martin. Every day at these and other companies, more than a million employees, customers and business partners are educated as a result of Expertus' innovative business strategies, outsourcing services and technology-rich solutions.

Based in Silicon Valley, Expertus serves its clients from offices in the US, UK and India. For more information, visit, or call toll-free 1-877-827-8160.

Contact Information:

Alicia Hassinger
