Source: London Stock Exchange plc.

RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED -- Notification of major interest in shares

JERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS--(Marketwire - September 3, 2010) -

Incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands
Reg. No. 62686
LSE Trading Symbol: RRS
Nasdaq Trading Symbol: GOLD


1. Identity of the issuer or the            RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED
underlying issuer of existing shares to
which voting rights are attached: ii

2 Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or

An acquisition or disposal of voting rights                            X

An acquisition or disposal of qualifying financial instruments which
may result in the acquisition of shares already issued to which voting
rights are attached

An acquisition or disposal of instruments with similar economic effect
 to qualifying financial instruments                                   X

An event changing the breakdown of voting rights

Other (please specify):

3. Full name of person(s) subject to      BlackRock Inc
the notification obligation: iii

4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if
different from 3.):iv

5. Date of the transaction and date on    26 August 2010
which the threshold is crossed or

6. Date on which issuer notified:         1 September 2010

7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or    Holding has gone over 12%
reached: vi, vii

8. Notified details:

A: Voting rights attached to shares viii, ix

Class/type   Situation previous to   Resulting situation after the
of shares    the triggering          transaction
if possible
using the    Number of   Number of  Number Number of voting  % of voting
ISIN CODE    Shares       Voting     of     rights            rights x
                          Rights    shares

                                    Direct  Direct   In    Direct Indirect
                                              xi     xii

GB00B01C3S32 10,729,659 10,729,659  N/A    N/A  10,930,407 N/A   12.07%

B: Qualifying Financial Instruments

Resulting situation after the triggering transaction

Type of financial     Expiration Exercise/  Number of voting      % of
instrument            date xiii  Conversion rights that may be    rights
                                 Period xiv acquired if the
                                            instrument is
                                            exercised/ converted.

C: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect to Qualifying
Financial Instruments xv, xvi

Resulting situation after the triggering transaction

Type of         Exercise  Expiration Exercise Number of voting  % of
financial       price     date     /        rights instrument   rights xix,
instrument                xvii     Conversion refers to          xx

CFD                                            188,446    Nominal Delta

                                                           0.21%  0.21%

Total (A+B+C)

Number of voting rights                    Percentage of voting rights

11,118,853                                 12.28%

9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights
and/or the financial instruments are effectively held, if
applicable: xxi

BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - 11,118,853 (12.28%)

10. Name of the proxy holder:

11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will
cease to hold:

12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to
hold voting rights:

13. Additional information:                BlackRock Threshold Reporting

14. Contact name:                          Stuart Watchorn

15. Contact telephone number:              020 7743 5741;

Note: Annex should only be submitted to the FSA not the issuer

Annex: Notification of major interests in shares xxii

A: Identity of the persons or legal entity subject to the notification

Full name (including legal form of legal   BlackRock Inc

Contact address (registered office for     33 King William Street,
                                           London EC4R
legal entities)                            9AS

Phone number & email                       020 7743 5741;

Other useful information (at least legal   Stuart Watchorn
representative for legal persons)

B: Identity of the notifier, if applicable

Full name                                  D J Haddon

Contact address                            3rd Floor, Unity Chambers,
28 Halkett Street, St.
                                           Helier, Jersey,
                                           JE2 4WJ, Channel Islands

Phone number & email                       +44 1534 735 444

Other useful information (e.g.
functional relationship with the person
or legal entity subject to the
notification obligation)

C: Additional information

                    This information is provided by RNS
          The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Contact Information: Contacts: RNS Customer Services 0044-207797-4400