Source: Engage121

App Scans Mobile Coupons With iPod Touch 4G Camera

Retailers Scan 2D Mobile Barcodes, Track Custom Coupon and Reward Programs

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - October 12, 2010) -  Skycore LLC today announced the compatibility of its codeREADr app with the new iPod touch 4G for scanning QR and Data Matrix 2D barcodes at the point of sale (POS). The app enables retailers to scan, validate and track custom coupon and reward programs, whether presented on print or mobile media.

According to the company, marketers are increasingly using the mobile channel for coupon and loyalty initiatives, sending barcodes to consumers via messaging, apps or the mobile web. These barcodes are then saved to the phone and presented at the POS.

Unfortunately mobile barcodes cannot be read by the laser scanners typically found at retail. Instead, a capital investment in imaging scanners is required. The codeREADr app offers an alternative by enabling the scanning of both paper and mobile screens.

"Marketers can create programs for their retail clients using QR and Data Matrix barcodes and enable them to track the results using an iPod touch 4G that costs only $229 and requires no carrier data plan," said Rich Eicher, CEO and founder of Skycore LLC. "It's an ideal solution to engage customers in both print and mobile media and track the effectiveness of promotional spending."

codeREADr features secure, real-time validation and integrated web services. The app scans barcodes, reads the embedded data, transmits data to codeREADr servers and receives back validation results in real-time, all without opening a browser. Retailers simply hold the iPod's camera over the customer's barcode to initiate the scan.

"Real-time validation offers a host of new promotional opportunities, including the tracking of real-time, interactive promotions, such as in-store rewards, location based coupons and sweepstakes," added Eicher.

The app is free on iTunes and the web service ( offers a free trial. Plans start at $9.99/month/device. Volume discounts are available.

Documents and/or Photos available for this release:

iPod Touch 4G with codeREADr App
iPod Touch 4G Scans a Mobile Barcode
Mobile Barcode Presented at POS
About Skycore LLC
codeREADr logo

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