Source: Aberdeen Group - Boston

ERP Enables Process Manufacturers to Manage Compliance and Pursue Profits

Process Manufacturers Use ERP to Satisfy Their Unique Requirements

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - October 13, 2010) -  In the newly released report, "'ERP Plus' in Process Industries: Managing Compliance in the Pursuit of Profits," Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (NYSE: HHS), found that top performing process manufacturers are 114% more likely to be able to automatically notify decision makers when certain conditions occur. Automation can improve backward and forward lot traceability and facilitate compliance reporting. Automation for data collection combined with event management, alarms, and the organizational and technical ability to shut down and restart production, are essential for process manufacturers to properly run their businesses.

"Manufacturers in process-related industries face many of the same business challenges common to all manufacturers," said Cindy Jutras, vice president research fellow and group director, Aberdeen. "Data collected in August of 2010 for the Aberdeen Business Review found the top business goal of process manufacturers was growth of profits and margins and many viewed cost reductions as the clearest path to increased profitability. Yet while goals and challenges may be similar, rigid regulations, compliance requirements and variability of raw materials and manufacturing processes create unique requirements for special features in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the complementary applications which extend core ERP functionality to make it 'ERP plus.' Top performers in these related industries indeed utilize the power of ERP to lower inventory, operating and administrative costs and to also reach beyond the traditional boundaries to optimize both production and customer service."

Survey respondents have indicated that ERP implementations slash operating costs by 17%, administrative costs by 15% and inventory by 21%. They also improve complete and on-time shipments by 18% and internal schedule compliance by 18%. These improvements can result in tens of thousands or even millions of dollars in savings.

A complimentary copy of this report is made available due in part by the following underwriters: CDC Software and Infor. To obtain a complimentary copy of the report, visit:

Visit for additional access to complimentary Enterprise Applications Research and Manufacturing Research.

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