Source: Prosper Business Development

American Pulse(TM): Economy #1 Issue Influencing Excited Voters in November; Job Creation #2

Excited Independents More Likely to Vote Tea Party

COLUMBUS, OH--(Marketwire - October 18, 2010) - 88.3% of Excited Registered Voters* say the economy will influence their vote, making it their #1 issue for midterm elections, according to the latest American Pulse™ Survey of 5,126 respondents. Job creation (72.6%) is #2, followed by healthcare (regardless of voters' stance to keep or repeal) at 72.4%.

The state of the economy and job creation are issues likely to be even more influential for Excited Voters who align themselves with the Independent party.

Top 3 Issues Influencing Excited Voters
Excited Registered
Excited Independent
Economy 88.3% 90.9%
Job Creation 72.6% 76.6%
Healthcare 72.4% 72.0%
*Excited Voters defined as registered voters who are somewhat/very excited to vote in midterm elections.  

For complete list of issues and complimentary report:

With Congressional Elections just around the corner, it appears Excited Voters may cast a ballot for change. 51.8% say they would vote for Republican or Tea Party candidates while 35.9% want to keep a Democratic majority. It seems as though "Taxed Enough Already" has hit a chord with Excited Independents as 1 in 5 would vote Tea Party.

If the Congressional Elections were held today, would you be more likely to vote for a...?  
Excited Registered
Excited Independent
Democrat 35.9% 23.5%
Republican 39.1% 29.7%
Tea Party 12.7% 20.3%

Other Key Findings Among Excited Registered Voters:

  • 83.6% say they are sick of negative campaign ads on television... 31.7% say they influence them at the polls.
  • 61.5% think the Federal Reserve printing more money will hurt the U.S. economy (20.3% say it will help, 18.3% don't know).
  • Almost half (47.9%) say President Obama hasn't followed through on any of his campaign promises. 40.2% say he accomplished healthcare reform and 18.6% believe he is the most transparent president in history.
  • Top 3 mobile phone activities to ban while driving: Sending (88.0%) and reading (82.0%) texts, hands-on phone calls (71.3%).

For other Excited Voter segments:

American Pulse™
The American Pulse™ Survey is collected online by BIGresearch® twice a month exclusively utilizing Survey Sampling International's (SSI) U.S. panel covering topics such as politics, pop culture and the economy. Over 5,000 respondents participate, providing greater insights and accuracy of +/- 1%.

Survey Sampling International (SSI)
Survey Sampling International is the premier global provider of sampling solutions for survey research. SSI offers access to more than 6 million consumer and business-to-business research respondents in 54 countries via Internet, telephone, and mobile. Additional client services include custom profiling, survey programming and hosting, data processing, sampling consulting, and survey optimization. SSI serves more than 1,800 marketing research clients, including nearly three-quarters of the top researchers worldwide. Founded in 1977, SSI has an international staff of 400 people representing 50 countries and 36 languages. The company is based in Shelton, CT with 14 additional offices worldwide.

Contact Information:

Chrissy Wissinger
