Source: Jennings Social Media Marketing

Kansas City IT Company, MDL Technology, LLC, Reviews E-mail Hosting for Companies

KANSAS CITY, MO--(Marketwire - November 8, 2010) -  MDL Technology, LLC recently released a whitepaper regarding the differences between hosted e-mail and on-premise e-mail hosting.

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Mark Dryer, president of MDL Technology, LLC, said that hosted e-mail and on-premise e-mail hosting are rarely evaluated in detail by companies. "Hosted e-mail allows a company to host its e-mail with a hosting solution provider in a secure data center environment. On-premise e-mail allows a company to manage their own e-mail within their own internal network. Business owners, CFOs and IT staff must be diligent about protecting e-mail data and reviewing the right type of e-mail service for a company," said Dryer.

Dryer added that MDL Technology, LLC offers both on-premise and hosted e-mail solutions. "On-premise e-mail solutions provide companies the flexibility to define messaging policies such as maximum message size, maximum number of senders and maximum attachment size. Additionally, the price per mailbox decreases as the number of e-mail mailboxes increase. On the other hand, hosted e-mail is beneficial since there is not an upfront hardware, software or installation fee, no staff required to manage an e-mail server and it is easier to implement," said Dryer.

MDL Technology, LLC is a Kansas City IT company that specializes in worry-free computer support by providing solutions for around-the-clock network monitoring, hosting, data recovery, off site backup security and much more. MDL Technology, LLC is dedicated to helping businesses place time back on their side with quick and easy IT solutions.

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Valerie Jennings