Source: People Power Company

People Power Announces Energy Services Platform and Demonstrates Momentum With Impressive Partners and Customers

PALO ALTO, CA--(Marketwire - November 23, 2010) -  

  • New software platform provides next-generation energy management for manufacturers
  • Delivers open, scalable service that cuts electricity costs of devices
  • Technology supported by Ricoh Innovations, Inc., Texas Instruments, D-Link, Energy Inc., and others

People Power Company, an energy efficiency solutions company, today announced its Energy Services Platform (ESP), an open, scalable energy management cloud service that enables monitoring and control of energy usage for device manufacturers. The new platform provides visibility into the energy efficiency of products, letting manufacturers build a layer of 'energy control' into a range of products, from business equipment like copiers and printers, to consumer electronics and appliances such as televisions and refrigerators. People Power is working with some of the world's leading companies -- Ricoh Innovations, Inc., Texas Instruments, D-Link, and others -- to reduce energy waste and help their customers save money.

ESP works with OSIAN (Open Source IPv6 Automation Network)-enabled devices that have incorporated People Power's SuRF Module, as well as with devices that are Wi-Fi or ZigBee®-enabled, to offer an end-to-end solution for energy management. The technology is unique in that it can scale up to support the massive traffic requirements of the 'Internet of Things' while still providing real-time monitoring and control of energy down to the plug level. The company is working with manufacturers to embed its technology into appliances, power strips, electronics and office equipment -- all of which will work seamlessly with People Power's new cloud-based Energy Services Platform.

With People Power ESP, companies can:

  • Monitor energy use down to the second at the individual plug level
  • Compare energy use to similar buildings, homes, offices and geographic regions to enable users to see how they are doing against their peers
  • Access and manage energy use from any Internet enabled device, including the ability to set budgets and rules, receive alerts, generate energy reports and leverage utility rate information

Supporting Quotes

  • "Manufacturers everywhere are investing in building green hardware, but they also need great software to create a total green solution. Our mission is to help these manufacturers and give them the tools they need to improve energy efficiency and save their customers money." -- Gene Wang, CEO and Founder of People Power
  • "Ricoh's sustainability commitment began over 30 years ago. We are well-known as a sustainability leader. Our business customers rely on us to identify superior solutions that are both cost-effective and good for the planet. The sense and simplicity of People Power's energy management approach is a natural fit with our corporate direction and our existing 'Total Green Office Solution' approach." -- Daja Phillips, EVP, Ricoh Innovations, a research subsidiary of Ricoh.
  • "D-Link's service provider customers are looking for unique and innovative energy management solutions. People Power's technology and product demonstration fits the profile of what service providers are looking for." -- Will Brown, GM/VP Technology, D-Link Systems, Inc.
  • "We see great potential creating transformational products with this solution, which integrates TI's ultra-low power MSP430™ microcontroller with TI's leading low-power RF technology. We are delivering longer range and lower power with this solution and are pleased that People Power has chosen the TI's CC430 system-on-a-chip for its SuRF technology. We are excited about the opportunity to work together." -- Davorin Kuchan, Sr. Director, Business Development, Texas Instruments
  • "People Power's Energy Services Platform is an exciting solution that works seamlessly with TED to offer users a simple and easy way to see their energy use in real time anywhere, anytime, over the web via an iPhone. In addition, the People Power solution enables customers to set budgets, get alerts, see their energy use in dollars and cents and enable even more granularity of energy use. We are looking forward to working with People Power as this market grows." -- Dolph Rodenberg, CEO Energy Inc.
  • "I'm impressed with People Power's unique approach to combining advanced technology with behavioral science. I'm excited that we are partnering on projects that will result in changed patterns of energy usage, as well as push our understanding of integrated approaches to complex challenges such as energy." -- Banny Bannerjee, Director, Stanford Design Program, Stanford University
  • "People Power's Energy Services Platform is a very effective energy management system that works with our Esprida Remote Management platform, which utilizes real time information to help companies connect devices and automate processes. People Power ESP will help our customers implement energy efficient initiatives and save money." -- Anila Jobanputra, President and Founder, Esprida

Pricing and availability
People Power ESP is offered as Software-as-a-Service, with an annual fee, as well as a one-time set up fee for partners to create a partner-branded customizable energy management solution. The platform will be commercially available in early 2011.

Useful links
Company and product overview:
Online press kit:

About People Power Company
People Power has created the Energy Services Platform, a next generation energy efficiency monitoring and control solution for homes, buildings, appliances and devices. People Power is disrupting the market with its open source wireless protocol OSIAN (pronounced "ocean"), while also supporting Wi-Fi and ZigBee® network protocols. Leading with its open source "SmartGrid for All" philosophy, People Power is inspiring innovation by empowering manufacturers everywhere to create exciting new energy efficient products that save money and reduce energy waste for the people that use them. Based in Palo Alto California, People Power has received funding from New Cycle Capital, Greener Capital, and other investors. For more information visit

Contact Information:

Julie Tangen
Kulesa Faul for People Power Company