Source: Event Management Services, Inc.

Is Your Status Quo Killing Your Business?

Expert Says Economy Stagnant Because Companies Cling to Old Perspectives

SANTA CRUZ, CA--(Marketwire - January 4, 2011) -  The more things change, the more they stay the same -- especially in business. And that's the problem, according to global business consultant Rebel Brown.

"The world has changed over the last two decades, businesses tend to continue doing things the same way they've always done them," said Brown, a consultant who has worked with companies as diverse as Silicon Graphics, NeXT and Verity, as well as startups in the U.S. and abroad. "We're stuck in the way we've always done it -- and that's a big reason why our economy is stuck in neutral."

Brown, author of "Defy Gravity" (, believes that the key to prospering is to challenge, and even reject, some of our most basic business assumptions. In order to start that process, Brown suggests questioning the following traditional business ideas:

  • It's Our Best and Biggest Seller -- Sometimes clinging to the cash cow can lead to a complacency that prevents new companies from staying in sync with what the market needs.

  • They're Our Biggest Customer -- Are they? Sometimes our best customer commands more attention than the rest, which cuts into the actual profitability of that customer. It may also take our attention away from other customers who could account for as much profit.

  • It's a Huge Opportunity -- The big deal or the dream client may not wind up being that profitable in the long run. We'll discount, deal, sacrifice strategy and dedicate extra resources to get those deals. But the reality is that those plans aren't always sure things. Remember, huge opportunities aren't always opportunities for success. They can be opportunities for failure, as well.

"Two years ago, we never expected the emergence of social media and five years ago, many didn't expect the Web would become the major revenue driver it is today," Brown added. "So, if the world around us is changing so quickly, why are we still clinging to old ideas? If we want to defy gravity, we must first reject the status quo."

About Rebel Brown

For more than 20 years, Rebel Brown has consistently challenged the status quo as she has consulted for her client companies. She has worked with more than 100 global clients -- from larger companies and smaller, more entrepreneurial concerns -- in startup, growth and turnaround situations.

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Russ Handler