Source: MediaPlatform, Inc.

MediaPlatform Supports Adobe(R) Flash(R) Media Enterprise Server in the Cloud

WebCaster Enables New Streaming Architecture and High Quality, Synchronous Audio Across All Browsers, Platforms at Lower Costs

MIAMI BEACH, FL--(Marketwire - February 2, 2011) - IT EXPO -- MediaPlatform®, the webcasting software and media management provider, today announced support for Adobe® Flash® Media Enterprise Server in the cloud. As the first webcasting software to offer this support, MediaPlatform's WebCaster now enables enterprises to employ application-level multicast with high quality, synchronous audio and video on the Adobe Flash platform without being required to license and install Flash Media Server on premises. 

Application-level multicast enables enterprises to reach the broadest possible audience without the need to upgrade all of its network routers or add expensive bandwidth to every remote location. This makes rich media in the enterprise a more efficient and cost-effective reality.

"WebCaster's support for Flash Media Server in the cloud portends new capabilities in the broader unified communications ecosystems, especially as it relates to rich media," said Greg Pulier, founder and president of MediaPlatform. "Coupled with WebCaster, Flash Media Server in the cloud is a 'game changer' because it powers huge increases in network efficiency while cutting system management, implementation, maintenance and licensing costs." 

Webcaster's support for Adobe Flash Media Server in the cloud solves some significant challenges with reaching large numbers of viewers that are behind a shared Internet connection without requiring hardware and software installations. For example, video and audio from the cloud-based media server can stream inside the corporate firewall using secure peer-assisted delivery. 

In addition, WebCaster supports telephony features that enable phone-based webcasts in which the phone becomes the audio input into a global, cross-platform rich media delivery system. In contrast to Web meeting technologies that often require software downloads for the viewer and a proprietary formats for the archives, WebCaster is completely browser based and leverages Adobe® Flash® technology. Therefore, it becomes a ubiquitous, cross-browser and cross-platform solution.

In December, Adobe announced the availability of Flash Media Server on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), part of Amazon Web Services (AWS), to offer an easy, affordable and scalable way to deliver media experiences without the upfront investment of a full server license. MediaPlatform, an Adobe Solution Partner, was an early adopter of this technological breakthrough, offering it to enterprise clients as part of the Webcaster enterprise video platform. In September, MediaPlatform also released the world's first multicast fusion enabled Flash player.

See a demo of WebCaster at MediaPlatform Booth #928 at the Business Video Expo in Miami Feb. 2-4

Come Hear Pulier and Three Other "Business Video Thought Leaders" at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2, as they discuss online video solutions and present strategies for implementing business video.

About MediaPlatform, Inc.

MediaPlatform, Inc. (formerly IVT) delivers best-in-class webcasting and media management technology to global enterprises and digital media producers. MediaPlatform's webcasting software enables high-impact presentations for lead generation, corporate communications and training. The company offers organizations the ability to take advantage of scalable cloud-based computing, as well as on-premises deployment, to present and manage rich media. With media management tools built on its platform, the company helps clients derive long-term archive value from their investment in media content. 

Contact Information:

Media Contact:
Kelly Wanlass
(801) 602-4723