Source: HotWire

United States Senate Continues "Greening the Capitol" With Nila Energy Efficient LED Lighting

Helieon by Bridgelux and Molex Allows Upgrades as LED Technology Advances

ALTADENA, CA--(Marketwire - February 8, 2011) - Continuing its "Greening the Capitol" initiative, the United States Senate has renovated the largest hearing room of the Hart Senate Office Building using high performance, energy efficient LED lighting from Nila Inc. The renovation program included the replacement of traditional incandescent lighting technology with Nila's NH LED lighting system for enhanced video recording applications, as well as a custom down light installation using the Helieon® Sustainable Light Module.

Prior to replacement, the incandescent lighting systems in Senate hearing room SH-216 consumed over 55,000 watts of electrical energy. Only about 7,300 watts are used after conversion to LED lighting, a savings of nearly 49,000 watts or over 86%.

"The antiquated lighting systems in the Senate hearing rooms were the source of a number of problems," said Jim Sanfilippo, Nila's president. "Video recordings have replaced stenography as the official Senate record, making the quality of the video critically important. The traditional lighting technologies in use failed to produce the quality or quantity of light for the unique needs of video recording. Further, the heat generated by the traditional lighting required significant energy to be used to cool the environment for the comfort of the hearing participants. The Nila NH system was an elegant solution that delivered bright, crisp light and precision dimming control capability while enabling energy savings and a 20,000 hour lifetime that will dramatically reduce overall maintenance costs.

"In addition to addressing the unique lighting requirements for the hearing rooms' video application, the Senate wanted to continue their efforts to reduce utility costs through the implementation of eco-friendly, energy efficient LED down lighting," said Sanfilippo. "We designed a custom luminaire for the hearing rooms using the Helieon Sustainable Light Module by Bridgelux and Molex. Helieon modules allow the luminaire to be easily modified as lighting requirements in the hearing room change, or easily upgraded as LED technology advances, without removing the luminaire from the ceiling. LED lighting was a natural fit for both of these applications."

The Helieon Sustainable Light Module is the first plug-and-play module to integrate high-efficiency precision lighting with an easy-to-use socketed solution. As LED technology improves, the Helieon-based down lights from Nila can be easily changed or upgraded with the simple twist of a wrist after installation without the complexity and expense of removing the luminaire.

About Nila
Nila, Inc., Bringing sustainable engineering to light. Nila is so much more than film and television lighting. Nila's unique LED products can bring savings and sustainability to countless applications. The most durable and powerful LED lighting systems on the market, Nila products have significantly cut electricity usage and reduced heat in digital video, live events, concerts, government video, houses of worship, still photography and more. Nila products are RoHS compliant (no toxic heavy metals), exceed Energy-Star standards and can be returned for repurposing and/or recycling when you're done using them. Nila is the environmentally friendly answer anywhere you need lots of light, please visit

About Bridgelux
Bridgelux is a leading developer and manufacturer of technologies and solutions helping to transform the $40 billion global lighting industry into a $100 billion market opportunity. Based in Livermore, California, Bridgelux is a pioneer in solid-state lighting (SSL), expanding the market for light-emitting diode (LED) technologies by driving down the cost of LED lighting systems. Bridgelux's patented light source technology replaces traditional technologies (such as incandescent, halogen, fluorescent and high intensity discharge lighting) with integrated, solid-state lighting solutions that enable lamp and luminaire manufacturers to provide high performance and energy-efficient white light for the rapidly growing interior and exterior lighting markets, including street lights, commercial lighting and consumer applications. With more than 350 patent applications filed or granted worldwide, Bridgelux is the only vertically integrated LED manufacturer and developer of solid-state light sources that designs its solutions specifically for the lighting industry. For more information about the company, please visit To learn more about the Helieon® Sustainable Light Module, please visit

Contact Information:

Tom Kirby
Nila, Inc.
Phone: 818.392.8370