Source: Aberdeen Group - Boston

Complex Manufacturers Use ERP to Combat Unique Challenges

Top Performers Are Seeing Significant Business Gains

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - March 8, 2011) - In the newly released report, "ERP in Complex Manufacturing," Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (NYSE: HHS), found that the shift to a more growth-oriented strategy is forcing complex manufacturing companies to shift strategic actions and rethink their infrastructure needs. Areas where complex manufacturers focus Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) efforts are around visibility into processes, optimizing current capacity, streamlining, improvement, and standardizing processes.

"Complex manufacturers are not called complex just because they produce complex products," said Kevin Prouty, Research Director, Aberdeen Group. "They also have very complex operations when compared to other manufacturers. They are multimode in their operations and this can cause significant issues when selecting and implementing an ERP system. They typically have a significant component of project-based manufacturing and either need to select an ERP system that supports that type of manufacturing, customize an ERP system, or support the project-based processes through manual operations. Visibility in processes and standardization of processes is critical to efficient operations."

Top performing ERP implementations slash operating costs by 20%, administrative costs by 18% and inventory by 22%. They also improve complete and on-time shipments by 24% and internal schedule compliance by 20%. These improvements can result in tens of thousands, or even millions of dollars in savings.

A complimentary copy of this report is made available due in part by the following underwriters: Infor, and Plex Systems. To obtain a complimentary copy of the report, visit: ERP in Complex Manufacturing

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