Source: Family Features

Get Your Garden Growing

Four Tips for Starting a Garden

MISSION, KS--(Marketwire - Apr 11, 2011) - (Family Features) The popularity of gardening is growing. In fact, according to the National Gardening Association,* more than 70 percent of all U.S. households participate in one or more type of do-it-yourself outdoor lawn and garden activity -- with flower and vegetable gardening topping the most popular activities.

If you haven't joined the millions of Americans who enjoy gardening yet, this year is your chance. Whether you want to start a garden as a new hobby to beautify your yard or to enjoy the fresher tastes of home grown vegetables, getting started can be easy.

Here are some expert tips from Black & Decker to help you start your own garden this spring:

  • Know the Lay of the Land - Assess the gardening conditions in your yard before you dig your first hole or plant your first seed. Conditions such as sun, shade, soil type, climate and moisture levels are all key factors to consider when creating your gardening plan.
  • Prepare Your Soil - Healthy soil translates to better plant growth, so be sure your soil has the nutrients it needs to flourish. Talk to a representative at your local home and garden center for tips on choosing the right type of fertilizer based on the soil and the plants you're growing.
  • Choose and Care for Plants Expertly - Once you've prepared your gardening space, you can begin to explore plant options available. To prevent the discouraging cycle of trial and error gardening with new plants, try Black & Decker's new PlantSmart digital plant care sensor, a revolutionary gardening tool that provides expert advice for growing and maintaining all types of plants and flowers, both indoors and out. Its reusable, water-resistant sensor uses patented technology to measure key environmental information from sunlight and temperature to moisture, soil conditions and more. Your readings are then uploaded to your personal PlantSmart online account and combined with real-time climate and horticultural information from your local area, for a foolproof gardening experience. This tool will help ensure you are choosing and growing the right plants in your new garden.
  • Take the First Dig - When you're ready, dig a hole that is slightly bigger and deeper than your plant's roots, and gently place the plant in the prepared hole. Pat the surrounding soil down firmly, but don't pack it, and be sure to leave enough space between plants. If using seeds, refer to the package's directions to gauge the soil depth needed for proper growth; drop the seeds in and place soil firmly on top.

Armed with expert advice from Black & Decker and its new PlantSmart tool, your garden is sure to be a success this year.

For additional tips, and to learn more about PlantSmart and other innovative outdoor products from Black & Decker, visit or

*National Gardening Association's 2010 National Gardening Survey; page five

Contact Information:

Wendy MacDonald
1-888-824-3337 ext. 235