Source: Exalt Communications, Inc.

Norwegian ISP Replaces Leased Fiber Lines With Exalt Microwave Backhaul Systems

Licensed Exalt Systems Backhaul Broadband Services in Rural Parts of Norway

CAMPBELL, CA--(Marketwire - May 17, 2011) - Exalt Communications today announced that Direct Connect, an ISP bringing broadband services to rural Norway, is deploying Exalt microwave backhaul systems to extend its network into communities throughout the country. The company has chosen Exalt ExtendAir, ExploreAir, and EX systems to replace fiber lines leased from a competitor as it connects community-based customer networks with the core of its network.

The Exalt systems help Direct Connect maintain a 15% annual subscriber growth rate while keeping networking costs at a minimum. For example, in a link between the cities of Bergen and Voss, Direct Connect is using three Exalt microwave systems to connect a node serving 320 subscribers, and by doing so is replacing a leased fiber connection costing nearly 240,000 Norwegian Kroner (NOK) per year (US equivalent $43,000).

"As we build out our subscriber base we are finding a constant need for higher capacity in the network, and the Exalt systems offer pay-as-you-grow scalability for us to add capacity as needed," said Inge Harald Olsen, CTO of Direct Connect. "By investing in our own high-capacity microwave links, we can pay for the systems within six months to a year through savings on recurring fiber lease costs. We are also using Exalt systems on network expansion projects to reduce the number of fiber nodes in our network."

Depending on the link, the Exalt EX, ExploreAir and ExtendAir microwave systems use licensed frequencies to deliver from 80 to 800 megabits per second (Mbps) of Ethernet traffic over distances ranging up to 49 kilometers (approximately 30 miles). Direct Connect has chosen Exalt EX split-mount systems to meet the stringent requirements of a military base in its network, and all-outdoor ExploreAir and ExtendAir systems to support all other locations.

"The fact that Exalt has such a wide range of systems is a real advantage," Olsen continued. "We can meet cost, performance, and 'military-specific' requirements using equipment with the same user interface from the same manufacturer. This makes configuration, installation, and maintenance much easier for our engineering teams."

Because of Exalt's capability to increase link capacity with simple license key upgrades, Direct Connect can easily add more capacity to its network without changing equipment. Additionally, Exalt's field-replaceable diplexers allow Direct Connect to use a single ExtendAir or ExploreAir licensed radio to spare an entire band, reducing the cost of sparing up to 90% and shortening lead times for network service.

"To build and sustain a profitable business, wireless Internet service providers must right-size their networks and operating costs during every phase of subscriber growth," said Amir Zoufonoun, president and CEO of Exalt Communications. "Exalt makes it possible for customers like Direct Connect to build and own a robust and easy to manage microwave backhaul network that eliminates leased line costs and provides just the right amount of capacity to meet subscriber demand at any given time."

The Exalt Microwave Backhaul Product Portfolio
All Exalt microwave backhaul systems -- indoor, outdoor, and split-mount -- offer guaranteed link availability, guaranteed throughput and low, constant latency. Systems are available in world bands from 2 to 43 GHz and in capacities from 10 Mbps to more than 1000 Mbps per channel, providing a range of options to fit countless network applications. Designed to enable a smooth transition to IP, they offer native support for both TDM and Ethernet, and are fully software configurable and upgradeable. For easy and secure management using third-party network management systems, Exalt systems support SNMP v1, v2c and v3. Data security is provided by available FIPS 197-compliant AES 128-bit and 256-bit encryption that adds zero latency to the transmission. To simplify installation and maintenance, all Exalt systems feature an embedded manual and most include a built-in spectrum analyzer.

About Exalt Communications
Exalt Communications provides next-generation microwave backhaul systems to service providers, government organizations and enterprises worldwide. Exalt systems are designed to solve the network bottlenecks associated with the growing demand for IP-based voice, data and video applications and the resulting migration from TDM to IP-based networks. With a flexible architecture and universal product platform covering multiple market segments, Exalt provides a full range of microwave radio systems that meet the demand for cost-effective and flexible alternatives to fiber and leased lines.

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Exalt Communications
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Story Public Relations