Source: Cambridge House International Inc.

Cambridge House International Inc.: Critical Materials Investment Symposium

June 3 & 4 | Westin Bayshore | Vancouver, BC

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 30, 2011) -

Hi, my name is Joe Martin. I am Chairman of Cambridge House International Inc.

I want to bring your attention to what I believe is a must attend conference for people involved in the high risk high reward investment opportunities that come through investing in Canadian mineral exploration companies. The world, the entire world, is facing a shortage of a wide variety of metals that are now termed critical because of their importance to the changing world in which we live. We will not have electric cars without lithium and vanadium for batteries. Cell phones, computers, solar energy, electronics of all types are dependent upon rare earth elements and a host of other metals including - molybdenum, tungsten, tin, scandium, indium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, beryllium, gallium, chromium, cobalt, lithium, zirconium, alumina clay, phosphate, manganese, platinum-palladium, uranium, graphite and more!

Over 60% of the worldwide exploration for new mineable deposits of metals of all types us undertaken by Canadian mineral exploration conference. Our upcoming Critical Materials Investment Symposium offers you the best opportunity of any investment conference in the world to learn about the difficult times we are facing and how you might be able to profit for them.

Please take the time to read through this article and consider attending this symposium. Attending it could be the best investment you can make this year. Questions? Drop me a note at:

Where Will New Critical Metals Come From?

"The developing world supply crisis of critical metals and materials will be met only by the determination and imagination of Canadian mineral exploration companies that will find, over time, and with the assistance of financial partners and end user manufacturers, mineable deposits of these metals."
Joseph R Martin
Chairman, Cambridge House International Inc.
The World's Resource Investment Conference Company

The Critical Metals Investment Symposium is a major conference bringing together the multitude of parties involved in finding solutions to the developing world crisis in the supply shortage of rare earth and strategic metals and strategic materials. This involves existing producers, mineral exploration companies looking for new mineable deposits and end user manufacturers caught in the squeeze.

It is now widely accepted that the world is facing a critical shortage of many strategic materials required in the manufacturing of many products including cell phones, batteries, steel alloys, aluminum alloys, clean technology and many other products. The US is further affected by the "The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" that restricts US companies from importing metals from countries that do not meet UN human rights standards. This affects several African countries that mine strategic metals. Canada has indicated that it will introduce similar legislation. Nuclear energy projects are being revisited and many have been halted as a result of the devastation of plants in Japan as a result of the massive earthquakes there. New, safer plants require new technologies and new uses for many metals.

The supply problems have been well publicized by announcements by China that it is now to prohibit or restrict exports of these metals that play a vital role in cutting edge technology from hybrid and electric cars and catalytic converters to superconductors and precision-guided weapons. These and other moves have prompted US legislators to introduce bills to the US Congress to encourage mineral exploration in the US.

".... China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has called for a total ban on foreign shipments of terbium, dysprosium, yttrium, thulium, and lutetium. Other metals such as neodymium, europium, cerium, and lanthanum will be restricted to a combined export quota of 35,000 tonnes a year, far below global needs.
China mines over 95% of the world's rare earth minerals, mostly in Inner Mongolia. The move to hoard reserves is the clearest sign to date that the global struggle for diminishing resources is shifting into a new phase. Countries may find it hard to obtain key materials at any price." The (London) Telegraph, Wed. Dec. 8, 2010

".... While the U.S. remains No. 1 in most advanced materials technologies, the National Research Council, which analyzes public policy, reports that the movement of manufacturing offshore is weakening American R&D capability in areas such as rare earth elements and specialty metals...... Bloomberg Newsweek, May 9/15, 2011

Conference Sessions Covers:

  • Batteries and Power
  • Technology Metals
  • Minor Market Metals and Alloys
  • Rare Earth Elements (REEs)

Conference Speakers Address the Concerns:

MICHAEL BERRY Ph.D. - Symposium Chair, Publisher, Morning Notes

Why are some resources considered "critical" and some abundant and therefore not of interest? We subscribe to Jeremy Grantham's viewpoint that we have entered a new era of finite and dwindling natural resources. He says, "The world is using up its natural resources at an alarming rate, and this has caused a permanent shift in their value." Professor Kenneth Pomeranz believes we are in the "grip of a great global growth divergence." His book, "The Great Divergence; China, Europe and the Making of the Modern World," details the reasons why growth and quality of life will accelerate in emerging countries. The UN has declared that the world's population will grow to 10.1 billion by 2100. Its forecast of the population in 2050 was revised upwards by 156 million to 9.3 billion quality-of-life seeking humans. Professor Jared Diamond, suggests a similar idea in his January 2008 New York Times op-ed, "Are we Consuming Ourselves Away." His believes world population, adjusted for increased quality of life, is an eye-popping 72 billion.

What do these facts have to do with critical metals? Recently I was asked once again to testify to the US Congress on critical rare earth elements. There is no REE emergency, just politics as usual.

However, due to:
1) Increasing awareness of finite resources
2) long lead times and high expenses of resource development
3) scarcity of world class deposits
4) ongoing materials research
5) growing resource nationalism
6) destruction of the US industrial base in this new world order
The hit has become evident that almost all domestic resource extraction and associated supply chains have moved offshore with IP development. These are the key issues of the critical metal conundrum.

The issue is broader than that of rare earths and their associated supply chains. REEs are the tip of the critical resource iceberg. The market for high-grade electrolytic manganese (EMM) is controlled by China. The US has no producing manganese mines. We rely entirely on China. China is pulling back on its EMM exports. Manganese is critically important in numerous applications. Vanadium is another in which the U.S. is supply constrained with no domestic production. Vanadium has important applications as battery technology. Large flake graphite is necessary for lithium ion batteries, fuel cells and nuclear reactor development. China controls 80% of this market and is pulling back on its export availability. Other resources that will "go critical" include molybdenum, niobium, indium, scandium, helium (especially helium-3), algae based bio-fuels and others with new materials R&D. We must all keep an open mind on the composition of the critical resource space. From a Discovery Investing viewpoint it will be a rewarding trip.

THOMAS S. DROLET, President, Drolet and Associates Energy Services, Inc.

The world of energy supply and demand is in turmoil. On the supply side, geopolitical instability in the Middle East and North Africa and the lack of active and prolific drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and federal lands in the U.S. make oil supply predictions problematic. Some traditional oil suppliers like the North Sea, Mexico and Venezuela are in a downtrend. World-changing technology breakthroughs in the possibility of massive increases in shale gas production are being offset by concerns about contamination of ground water. Coal use is a victim of the perception that global warming will eventually sink our lands under the oceans waves. Renewables like solar and wind are coming on, but are doing so from such a low base that they may not reach 5% of totals until post-2050. Nuclear power has suffered a heart attack at Fukushima and is in intensive care. On the energy demand side, fears of a second dip recession and slowdowns in Europe and Asia have had the alphabet soup of economic agencies including the DOE, OECD, IAEA, IEA, OPEC , etc., changing their projections up and down like a toilet seat.

We need to focus on a balanced and a widely-diverse array of energy supply sources for the future. Base-loaded nuclear and geothermal power plays a substantial and necessary place in a balanced supply future. Critical metals such as beryllium, boron, gadolinium, thorium, uranium, dysprosium, molybdenum, bismuth, and graphite will play key roles in meeting these growing demands.

JOHN KAISER, Kaiser Research

John Kaiser is internationally recognized as the world's authority on tracking Canadian junior companies looking for all types of mineral deposits. His research covering companies involved in projects around the world is the first research used by analysts, accredited investors and institutional banking organizations. His overall perspective of the world's supply/demand situation and understanding of companies leading the searches make this Critical Metals Investment Symposium a must attend event for investors.

CLINT COX, Founder, Anchor House, Inc., Where Will Rare Earth Markets Go Next

"Rare Earths have become exceedingly hot as they play a crucial role in hightech and green energy development and defense applications in light of China's growth and involvement in the commodities markets. Based on recent history that led to the current market explosion, it will be important to examine our assumptions and explore possible scenarios for the industry moving forward."

JON HYKAWY Ph.D., Analyst, Byron Capital Markets

"Byron Capital Markets believes in a long-term secular shift toward energy efficiency, both through new technologies as well as less exciting developments such as weight saving. This shift will be driven because of increasing prices for fossil fuels. While I, personally, am not a peak oil theorist, I am also realistic enough to understand that feeding the Brazil, Russia, India and China beast with cheap oil will demand a neglect of the environment that not many oil-producing regions will sustain. We believe that electrification of transport fleets and maximization of our electrical grids are important future areas of development. Electrifying cars will pull on materials such as rare earths (for their weight-saving and efficiency gains), lithium (for batteries), vanadium (for use in better and stronger metal alloys, as well as in next-generation batteries), graphite (lithium battery anodes), scandium (advanced aluminum alloys), and barium (for ultracapacitors). Maximizing the existing electrical grid demands storage and more generating capacity, so critical materials include uranium (in reactors), lithium and vanadium (for storage). Copper is also an increasingly critical commodity."


Tony Hayes, EuroPacific Canada
Smoke and Mirrors: The Key Variables in REE Investing

Dr. Chen Zhanheng, Chinese Society of Rare Earths
Dr. Zhanheng's paper to be delivered by Jay Roberge, Moderator of Linkedin's REE blog

David Coffin, Co-Editor of Hard Rock Analysts
Critical metals supply dependency on major mineral production

Ron Stravlo, President and CEO, TDK Ferrites Corporation
TDK is building a new US factory of super magnets, essential for electric autos, military uses and more. Where will TDK get Neodymium?

Jack Lifton, Technology Metals Research
Critical Metals in the Multi Polar Age
American Manganese Inc.
American Vanadium Corp.
Apella Resources Inc.
Canada Rare Earths Inc.
Formation Metals Inc.
Foucs Metals Inc.
Kivalliq Energy Corp.
Nemaska Exploration Inc.
Northern Graphite Corporation
Quantum Rare Earth Developments Corp.
Rare Element Resources Ltd.
Stans Energy Corp.
Stina Resources Ltd.
Strategic Resources Inc.
Tasman Metals Ltd.
Ucore Rare Metals Inc.
Wealth Minerals Ltd.
Woulfe Mining Corp.

Vancouver is the right place at the right to time to hold a Major World Class symposium on critical metals and materials.

Don't Miss This Great Opportunity!

Cost to attend: $495.00

Register Online Now

Contact Information:

Cambridge House International
Joe Martin
Toll-Free (U.S. and Canada) 877-363-3356