Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Ottawa HQ

2011-2012 Housing Market Outlook (Province of Quebec)

MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC--(Marketwire - May 30, 2011) - According to the latest forecasts conducted by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), a growing economy, still favourable borrowing conditions and sustained net migration will continue to support Quebec's housing markets in the next two years. As a result, 45,500 housing starts are expected in 2011 followed by 44,000 starts in 2012.

The improved global and national economic environments, which have positively impacted Quebec's economy since the second half of 2009, will continue to do so this year and next. Solid household spending and private investment will support job creation and in turn, housing demand. GDP is expected to grow by 2.5 per cent in 2011 and 2.5 in 2012.

"As was the case in recent years, a variety of demographic factors will also fuel the province's housing markets in the coming years. Strong net immigration to the province will continue to have a positive impact on the rental and resale markets. In addition, population ageing will likely prompt older households to enter the market in response to their housing needs," explained Kevin Hughes, Senior Economist at CMHC for Quebec.

According to CMHC's base case scenario, posted mortgage rates will remain relatively flat in 2011 before increasing moderately in 2012. For 2011, the one-year posted mortgage rate is assumed to be in the 3.1 to 3.5 per cent range, while three and five-year posted mortgage rates are forecast to be in the 4.1 to 5.6 per cent range. For 2012, the one-year posted mortgage rate is assumed to be in the 3.4 to 4.3 per cent range, while three and five-year posted mortgage rates are forecast to be in the 4.2 to 6.3 per cent range.

Single Starts: For most of last year, starts of single detached homes have benefited from the improved economic and financial environment as well as from the reduced supply of such homes on the resale market. However, slower job growth and the recent easing of the resale market have taken pressure off of new construction. Approximately 17,500 single detached homes will be started in both 2011 and 2012. It must be added that a trend toward more affordable housing and densification will further cool this market segment in the years to come. The share of single detached housing starts has consistently declined from over 60 per cent of the total in 2001 to 40 per cent last year.

Multiple Starts: Following a strong rebound in 2010, starts of multi-family dwellings will settle back to more sustainable levels in the next two years. Given the current supply of condominium tenure apartments on the market and given the lower growth rate of the population aged 75 and over, which will continue to limit demand for retirement (rental apartment) homes, starts of multiple family homes in 2011 will inevitably decline. Nonetheless, given the trend toward multi-family housing, multiple starts will reach the 28,000 unit mark in 2011 and 26,400 in 2012.

Resales: In 2011, the MLS® will record a similar level of sales activity than the previous year. Resale activity will pick up next year as the housing stock continues to grow. Again this year, sales of existing condominiums (town houses or apartments) will be an important component of the total. As a result, 80,500 MLS® sales are forecast in 2011 and 83,600 in 2012.

Prices: Stable demand for resale homes, combined with rising supply, will take some pressure off prices over the course of the next year. With a return to more balanced conditions, price growth in the resale market will moderate over the course of 2011 and in 2012. Expect the average resale price to rise to $251,700 in 2011 and $256,300 in 2012.

As Canada's national housing agency, CMHC draws on more than 65 years of experience to help Canadians access a variety of quality, environmentally sustainable and affordable homes. CMHC also provides reliable, impartial and up-to-date housing market reports, analysis and knowledge to support and assist consumers and the housing industry in making vital decisions. For more information, visit or call 1-800-668-2642.

CMHC Housing Market Forecasts: Province of Québec - Spring 2011
Residential Construction (1)
Single Detached (1.1)28,87123,93021,91722,17719,77817,53519,54917,50017,600
Multi-Family (1.2)29,57726,98025,96026,37628,12325,86831,81428,00026,400
Resale Market (2)
MLS® Sales68,26870,38571,61980,64776,75479,10980,05280,50083,600
MLS® Average Price ($)171,774184,555195,208207,531215,323225,368241,463251,700256,300
Other indicators (3)
GDP Growth (%)
Employment Growth (%)
Total Net Migration (3.1)36,18929,03528,13530,87938,45949,43245,99443,60046,050
(1) source and forecast: CMHC. (1.1) Dwelling for wich all walls are detached (1.2) Semi-detached, row or apartment units
(2) source: Canadian real Estate Association, Multiple Listing Service (MLS®), forecasts: CMHC
(3) sources: Statistics Canada, forecasts: CMHC. (3.1) sum of net international migration, net interprovincial migration and net non-permanent residents

Contact Information:

Kevin Hughes
Senior Economist

Bertrand Recher
Senior Market Analyst

Sherbrooke (Estrie)
Francis Cortellino
Senior Market Analyst

Elisabeth Koulouris
Senior Market Analyst

Trois-Rivieres (Mauricie)
Marie-Elaine Denis
Market Analyst

Gatineau (Outaouais, Abitibi)
Patrice Tardif
Senior Market Analyst

Sebastien Paquet-Poirier
Market Analyst