Source: Rockland Minerals Corp.

Rockland Drills "Net-Texture" Sulfides in Ultramafic Rocks at Retty Lake Cu-Ni-PGE, Quebec

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 31, 2011) - Rockland Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:RL) (the "Company") has intersected several zones of disseminated sulfides within the targeted middle peridotite sill being drilled on the Retty Lake Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd Property. In diamond drill hole number 849-05, drilled near the "Lac Retty Ouest" showing, Rockland geologists have observed very encouraging "net-textured" disseminated pyrrhotite and visible chalcopyrite (copper mineral) within a 14-meter basal zone of cumulate-texture ultramafic peridotite. Rockland is currently half way through a planned 1,500 meter program, which commenced on May 15th, 2011. After all drilling is complete, assaying of the mineralized core will begin.

Hole 849-03 encountered 60 meters of disseminated pyrrhotite with visible chalcopyrite -- in coarse cumulate- textured peridotite -- at the Lost Lake showing. All of the drilling so far has intersected zones of layered massive sulfide and cross-cutting sulfide, within black shales. These metamorphosed sediments at Retty Lake are intruded by mafic gabbros and ultramafic peridotites, in a setting very similar to the southern Raglan Cu-Ni-PGE mineralized belt in Québec's Ungava region to the north.

Upon completion of the drill program Rockland plans to transport the Retty core to the IOS Services Geoscientifiques Inc. processing facility where Rockland's geotechs will split and select mineralized segments for assaying. Assay results will be made available as completed.

George F. Sanders, P.Geo, a director of the Company, and Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 responsible for the technical content of this news release, states: "Our Retty Lake drilling program is progressing very well. The 'net textured' disseminated sulfides within the lower portion of the middle peridotite sill are guides to discovery of more massive sulfide lenses, similar to the adjacent Blue Lake Cu-Ni-PGE cluster. We have chosen to transport the drill core offsite for more precise logging, sawing and sampling. This is the first drilling in this area since the 1960's, and Rockland intends to process it thoroughly, to unlock the Cu-Ni-PGE potential of these deposits. Sample shipments and assaying will be expedited, and results will be released as soon as possible."

The Retty Lake property is on-trend with four adjacent copper-nickel-platinum group metal (PGM) lenses known as the "Blue Lake Deposits" -- originally outlined by Hollinger North Shore Exploration (Iron Ore Company of Canada) in the 1950's. Evidently, the Blue Lake Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd deposits were formed at or near the basal zone of the ("Middle") ultramafic peridotite, where the sill intrudes sulfur-rich metasediments. This favourable stratabound horizon runs for some ten kilometers or more, throughout the Rockland property, in a northwest-southeast trajectory. Rockland is looking forward to discovery of additional base metal - precious deposits within its Retty Lake property. Rockland is earning a 100% interest in the property from E.D. Black, Geologist.

We seek Safe Harbor.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Rav Mlait, President and CEO

Rockland Minerals Corp.

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Contact Information:

Rockland Minerals Corp.
Rav Mlait
President and CEO
(604) 551-7831
(604) 676-2767 (FAX)