LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - Jun 10, 2011) - The following blogs by Bob Lorsch, CEO of MMRGlobal, Inc. (
June 9, 2011
Natural Knowing
I am often asked why I do things the way I do. I think the answer is Natural Knowing. By any standards I am a self-made person who has seen a modicum of success in my life. I have made money and have caused tens of millions to be given to charity. However, I think the measurement is how I use my "Natural Knowing."
For those of you who follow MMRGlobal, it's no secret that the last five years of my life have been as challenging as any. Yet every day, I get up and put one foot in front of the other, never quitting and "Naturally Knowing" that having a Personal Health Record will soon be as common as having a credit report or a credit card, and one of the most important things you can have in any emergency. (See http://phr.mmrcontent.com/MMRCommercial.mov)
That is why I believe in what we are doing at MMRGlobal. Every day brings new adventures and the beginning of many journeys. Some take much longer than we ever thought they would, but so far this company hits consistent singles and ultimately reaches home plate at least once in every inning.
People who know me personally know that I am a fighter. And when the going gets tough, I get tougher. Since Memorial Day (or in less than two weeks), this company has made two major announcements, the essence of which has gone unnoticed.
First, we had a very successful MUSE convention in Nashville. We participated in a joint dinner with three Strategic Partners, including Alcatel-Lucent. As we said earlier, we are getting close to announcing the first hospital to launch MMRPatientView and the MMR Stimulus Program (both part of MMRPro) in Interbit Data customer hospitals.
We announced a Joint Venture Agreement with VisiInc in Australia for our MyMedicalRecords products. We believe this agreement can also represent the first step into Russia. What many people do not understand is that the Australian government is fast tracking Personal Health Records at an unprecedented rate. Remarkably, MMRGlobal owns a significant number of the underlying patents already issued in Australia and other Pacific Rim countries. As it stands, these patents are necessary to comply with the government's agenda. This intellectual property could easily make MMR a dominant player in the eHealth industry throughout the Pacific Rim. Australia alone is expected to do as much as $2.6 billion US in eHealth in 2012.
Additionally, the Vistime platform will give MMR the ability to deliver a real-time 3D viewer for retrieval viewing of large files, including medical imaging systems such as MRIs, scans and sonograms, over any Internet connection, including dial-up. I cannot even imagine what that can mean to the power of an MMR Personal Health Record.
This partnership, along with Chartis and China, continues to enlarge our footprint around the world, opening new territories and exposing our Personal Health Record products to millions worldwide.
Two days ago, we announced that we have identified an effort by a small group engaged in what we believe to be aggressive and perhaps illegal shorting of our stock, thereby lining their pockets at the expense of our long-time shareholders. We have implemented efforts to bring this to the attention of the regulators and hope that by shining a spotlight on their actions, these parties will go away to make havoc on a less aggressive management team. In any event, we never stop focusing on revenue and building our business with our strategic partners, including Kodak.
If your Natural Knowing told you that MMRGlobal (
Robert H. "Bob" Lorsch, CEO, MMRGlobal
4401 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90010, Tel. 310-476-7002
Follow me on Twitter at BobLorschTweets
Tags: Bob Lorsch, EHR, Electonic Health Record, Electronic Medical Records, EMR, Health IT, MMRGlobal, MMRPatientView, MMRPro, MyMedicalRecords, Personal Health Records, PHR
June 1, 2011
Don't Quit!
In my last blog, entitled "Enjoy the Journey, Not the Destination," I ended it by saying, "Don't Quit" and inserting the poem by Anonymous. I received overwhelming response from literally thousands of readers -- thanking me as Don't Quit clearly has personal significance to many of us and clearly affected them personally.
Since that time the Company has announced record revenues, The RHL Group credit line renewal and relationships with Alcatel-Lucent, Interbit Data and VisiInc. Hundreds of thousands of readers are learning more about the positive opportunities at MMR.
This week we are at the MUSE conference in Nashville launching MMRPatientView (part of the MMRPro Stimulus Program) to hospitals. While MMRPro and MMRPatientView will be demonstrated to hundreds of hospital administrators, we will also host meetings and dinners through our collaborations with Alcatel-Lucent, 4medica, Interbit Data and Kodak, all of which are at the show and in many cases leveraging each other's products and services. Take a look at the brochure that we will start distributing through hospitals and medical offices in support of the MMRPro system and MMRPatientView at http://pv.mmrcontent.com/PatientViewFlipBook/.
MMRGlobal is a company that appears to be in the right place at the right time. Were you in the right place at the right time in the dot.com boom? How many of you think back and wish you would have bought Google, Microsoft or Amazon in founders rounds or the very early stages when they were emerging growth companies with unknown futures.
I believe MMRGlobal represents that type of opportunity. In the recently published Federal Health Information Technology Strategic Plan from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology for 2011 through 2015, it says, "PHRs allow patients to capture their own health observations. Mobile phones with glucometers allow individuals to track their blood sugar levels through their mobile devices. Mobile phones and related applications are being used in mental health to track moods and provide therapeutic interventions with personalized messages, exercises, and coaching. Using these tools, individuals can become more attuned to healthy behaviors, monitor their health, make informed personal health decisions, and receive preventative care. Patients managing illnesses or other ailments can keep better track of their health care, receive health care solutions remotely, and participate in their care coordination."
The report also points out that "less than 10 percent of Americans have actually used a PHR" so it does not take much to see the opportunities ahead at MMR. So in case you missed it...
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And when you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but just don't quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about,
When we might had won had we stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things seem worse that you must not quit!
Robert H. "Bob" Lorsch, CEO, MMRGlobal
4401 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90010, 310-476-7002
Follow me on Twitter at BobLorschTweets
Tags: 4medica, Alcatel-Lucent, Bob Lorsch, Chartis, EHR, Electonic Health Record, Electronic Medical Records, EMR, Interbit Data, Kodak, MMRGlobal, MMRPatientView, MMRPro, MUSE, MyMedicalRecords, Personal Health Records, PHR
Contact Information:
Bobbie Volman
MMRGlobal, Inc.
(310) 476-7002, Ext. 7015