On AS “GE Money Bank” Extraordinary shareholder meeting resolutions

AS „GE Money Bank” Extraordinary shareholder meeting was closed at 12.00 p.m. on August 9th, 2011, during which all items included in the agenda were reviewed and the following resolutions made:

1. The authorization to the Management Board to increase the equity capital of the company

1.1. To authorize the Management Board to increase the equity capital of the company, not exceeding 30 (thirty) per cent of the equity capital of the company at the time of coming into effect of the authorization, for the authorization term from 10 August, 2011 till 1 February, 2012 with the aim of keeping the capital adequacy ratio at the required business and credit institutions’ regulatory targets.

2. Amendments to the Articles of Association of the company and approval of the new wording of the Articles of Association

2.1. Due to determination of authorization to the Management Board to increase the equity capital, supplement the Articles of Association of the company with Article 6.4 in the following wording:

„6.4. The Management Board is authorized to increase the equity capital of the Company, not exceeding 30 (thirty) per cent of the equity capital of the Company at the moment of coming into effect of the authorization, with the term of authorization as of 10 August 2011 to 1 February 2012 with the aim of keeping the capital adequacy ratio at the required business and credit institutions’ regulatory targets”.

2.2. Having regard of the amendments to the Articles of Association of the company approved by Article 1 of this resolution, approve the attached Articles of Association of the company (in Latvian and English in parallel) in the new wording.

3. Taking decision regarding improvement of the economic situation of the Company

3.1. To acknowledge the economic situation of the company and continue developing commercial activities of the company. To instruct the Management Board of the company to continue assessing the (current and expected) financial performance of the company and to continue monitoring the capital adequacy requirements stipulated by the regulatory enactments that regulate activities of credit institutions.


Additional information: 

         Kristīne Rasnača
         Communications Project Manager
         GE Money Bank Latvia
         Ph.: +371 67029019
         Mob.: +371 26490696
         Fax: +371 67024761
         E-mail: kristine.rasnaca@ge.com