Återupptagen handel i/Resumed trading in Sevan Marine ASA (101/11)

Börsen har fattat beslut om att återuppta handeln Sevan Marine ASA som handlas på NASDAQ OMX Stockholms lista för norska aktier (OMX STO Equities NOK samt First North NOK) då Oslo Börs återupptagit handeln i aktien. Handeln återupptas kl. 10:45.

The Exchange has decided to resume the trading the share Sevan Marine ASA traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm’s list for Norwegian shares (OMX STO Equities NOK and First North NOK) as the Exchange has verified that Oslo Stock Exchange has resumed the trading in the share. Trading will be resumed at 10:45.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Eldin Kozica or Jonas Alden, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or iss@nasdaqomx.com
