CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: TSX and Bank of Montreal Focus of Bay Street 11:30 AM Demonstration

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 24, 2011) -

The following corrects and replaces the release issued this morning November 24, 2011 at 11:05 AM ET, for Ontario Federation of Labour. The march and protest is leaving the Sheraton at 11:30 AM and is a joint demonstration with Occupiers from Ottawa, London, Kingston and Toronto.

Hundreds of workers will march on Bay Street at 11:30 AM today to condemn the greed of Canada's financial sector and the impunity with which it has accumulated wealth at the expense of 99% of the population. The march and protest is leaving the Sheraton at 11:30 a.m. and is teaming up with Occupy protesters from around the province, including Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston and Hamilton. More than 1000 people will be taking part.

The union members are taking part in the OFL's five-day convention at the Sheraton Centre Hotel.

Speaker after speaker has condemned the utter lunacy of federal and Ontario government policies that allocate even more of the public's money to the corporate sector; meanwhile, public services are being starved and average people, union and non-union, are experiencing the deep pain of economic and social injustice.

The banks and financiers don't make this economy move, we do," said OFL President Sid Ryan. "Hedge funds don't produce a single thing. And the right-wing politicians, bought and paid for by the corporate interests, are not the economic engine of this country, we are. We make real things and provide real services. They've stolen our money and we want it back."

The Toronto Stock Exchange is the third largest exchange in North America and is one of today's stops. The Bank of Montreal will also come in for special attention for its role in supporting Infinity Rubber whose current management led its predecessor company into bankruptcy, leaving millions in unpaid bills. Infinity Rubber provoked a strike when management demanded workers accept a 25% cut in wages and a 50% cut in benefits. Members of USW Local 526L have walked the picket line every day in what has become one of the longest strikes in Toronto history.

Contact Information:

Ontario Federation of Labour
Sid Ryan

Ontario Federation of Labour
Lynn Simmons

Ontario Federation of Labour
Joel Duff
Communications Director