Source: Orange County Business Council

OC Biz Leaders Welcome Governor Jerry Brown and Applaud His Vision for California

IRVINE, CA--(Marketwire - Jan 19, 2012) - Today Orange County Business Council (OCBC) hosted California Governor Jerry Brown at a meeting with 50 of Orange County's top business leaders and CEOs. Governor Brown was in Orange County following yesterday's State of the State address.

In addition to severe budget cuts, government reorganization and a proposed temporary tax increase, Governor Brown sought support for his 12-point pension reform plan, which would begin to address the state's structural deficiencies. Governor Brown welcomes California's future population growth and assured his audience that the state's future is bright. He reiterated his support for the nation's first high-speed rail system and for expeditious completion of the environmental review on a proposed project to fix the state's water delivery system.

OCBC President and CEO Lucy Dunn issued the following statement regarding Governor Brown's visit:

"OCBC applauds Governor Brown's leadership. To get California moving again requires financial sacrifices and a growing economy for more revenue to help all ships rise with the tide -- it requires structural reforms and investment in California's future. Needed now more than ever is a bipartisan approach toward a more business-friendly climate -- where business has the confidence to grow and hire. Governor Brown understands the complexity of the challenges facing California, and California needs leaders who won't just kick the can down the road, but who tackle these issues head-on. This Governor is doing just that.

"OCBC supports the Governor's plans for government employee pension reform and agrees it is a critical step towards restoring public trust in government while addressing the state's long-term fiscal stability. Further, business growth and regulatory relief has never been more fundamental to turning around California's economy. The Governor's candor regarding the challenges of California's business environment and his formation of GO-BIZ to help the regulated community navigate maize of government agencies and cut red tape was warmly received. OCBC continues in its support of the Governor's vision for a state-of-the-art high-speed rail system and improvements to the state's water delivery system. The business community has long called for greater investment in infrastructure, which creates jobs while increasing mobility. It is imperative for sustained economic growth and long term prosperity for a growing population.

"Orange County is a fitting place for Governor Brown to dialogue with business about how to restore California's economy. Orange County thrives with pioneering, forward-thinking businesses including one of the lowest unemployment rates (8.1%) of any metropolitan county in the state (11%). Its diverse business community leads in high-tech, clean-tech and international trade opportunities, making it one of the most economically competitive regions in the world."

About OCBC:
Orange County Business Council is the leading voice of business in Orange County, California. OCBC represents and promotes the business community, working with government and academia, to enhance Orange County's economic development and prosperity in order to preserve a high quality of life. OCBC serves member and investor businesses with nearly 250,000 employees and 2,000,000 worldwide. In providing a proactive forum for business and supporting organizations, OCBC helps assure the financial growth of America's sixth largest county. For more information, visit

Contact Information:

Katherine Reedy
Director of Communications