Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

MEDIA ADVISORY: Thousands expected for London Day of Action for Canadian Jobs, Rally Speakers List

LONDON, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 20, 2012) - Thousands upon thousands of union and community members will take part in a mass rally, calling on U.S.-based Caterpillar to end the lock-out of its nearly 500 workers and for the Harper government to put jobs before tax cuts. Community members are already expecting the demonstration at the London's Victoria Park to be the largest public rally the city has seen in decades.

Already approximately 70 buses have registered from right across Ontario, with hundreds more people driving into the event. The buses have been organized by the CAW and the Ontario Federation of Labour, working with local labour councils and community groups.

The rally, which gets underway at 11 a.m., will feature a number of guest speakers, indicated below in speaking order:

Tim Carrie, CAW Local 27 President and event MC; UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America) National President Bruce Klipple; Brianne Jones, daughter of EMD worker; Ken Georgetti, Canadian Labour Congress President; Nycole Turmel, NDP Interim Leader; Sid Ryan, Ontario Federation of Labour President; Katy Fulfer, student and President of Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Local 610; Megan Walker, London Abused Women's Centre Executive Director; Sister Sue Walker, Director for Systemic Justice; Bob Scott, Electro-Motive/Caterpillar CAW Chairperson; *Ken Lewenza, CAW National President

*Other locked-out workers will be available for comment

London Day of Action for Canadian Jobs

Saturday, January 21 starting at 11 a.m.

Victoria Park, across from City Hall (300 Dufferin St.) London, ON

There will be a media tent near the stage with a feedbox, in addition to the media feedbox at the stage.

Contact Information:

Shannon Devine
CAW Communications Director
416-302-1699 (cell)

John McClyment
CAW Communications
416-315-3202 (cell)

Joel Duff
Ontario Federation of Labour Communications Director
416-707-0349 (cell)