Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

OFL Joins Call to Save Peel Region Child Care Centres

Community Meeting, Rally and Deputations Planned to Convince Council to Delay Closures

MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2012) - OFL Secretary-Treasurer Nancy Hutchison will join Peel parents at a community meeting this evening and make a deputation at Thursday's Peel Region Council Meeting to call for a delay in the closing of all 12 regionally operated child care centres.

"Child care is always good for the economy - whether a good or bad economy. In this time of economic upheaval, child care is a critical public investment that helps families keep their jobs or keep afloat while they are looking for work, getting an education or participating in re-training," said OFL Secretary-Treasurer Nancy Hutchison. "As a resident of Peel, I know it is one of the fastest growing communities in our province and that residents rely on child care to get by."

Parents and community members have expressed grave concern about the Peel Council's consideration of a report recommending the closure of the region's 12 child care centres that was prepared by KPMG - the same group that advised the City of Toronto on service cuts. The report has been kept secret and will be considered by the Peel Region Council this Thursday morning, before parents, advocates and the media have even been allowed to review it.

"Closing these regional child care centres would have a profound impact on parents, children and the entire community, so the public has a right to be included in the discussion," said Hutchison. "Peel Council needs to put the brakes on this process before rushing into a decision that could be detrimental to the community."

TUES, JAN 24, 6:00 PM: Community Meeting to Save Peel Child Care Centres, Mississauga Valley Community Centre, 1275 Mississauga Valley Blvd, Mississauga, Laura Taylor Room
THURS, JAN 26, 9:00 AM: Rally to Support Child Care, Peel Region Office at 10 Peel Centre Dr., Brampton
THURS, JAN 26, 9:30 AM: Depositions to Peel Regional Council Meeting, Peel Region Office at 10 Peel Centre Dr., Brampton
The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario.

Contact Information:

Lynn Simmons
OFL Communications
416-668-7480 (mobile)

Joel Duff
OFL Communications Director
416-707-0349 (mobile) ENGLISH/FRENCH