Stadshypotek's interim report January - June 2012


January - June 2012 compared with January - June 2011
For the period January to June 2012, operating profit increased by SEK 1,063
million to SEK 3,876 million (2,813). Net interest income amounted to SEK 3,937
million (2,921), with the branch in Norway accounting for SEK 280 million (198),
the branch in Denmark accounting for SEK 51 million (39) and the branch in
Finland, which was established on 1 May 2011, accounting for SEK 107 million
(1). Excluding these branches, net interest income thus increased by SEK 816
million. The increase in net interest income is due to an increase in lending
volume and to improved margins due to the company's good position in the funding
market. Net gains/losses on financial items at fair value amounted to SEK 75
million (1).

Expenses rose by SEK 8 million to SEK 132 million (124), primarily due to
increased IT expenses related to the branch in Finland. Net loan losses were SEK
0 million since new loan losses during the period were offset by recoveries.
During January to June of the previous year, recoveries exceeded new loan losses
and the net amount recovered was SEK 21 million. Before deduction of the
provision for probable loan losses, the volume of impaired loans was SEK 98
million (85). Of this amount, non-performing loans accounted for SEK 62 million
(51), while SEK 36 million (34) related to loans on which the borrowers pay
interest and amortisation, but which are nevertheless considered impaired. There
were also non-performing loans of SEK 995 million (753) that are not classed as
being impaired loans. After deductions for specific provisions totalling SEK -40
million (-33) and collective provisions of SEK -6 million (-5) for probable loan
losses, impaired loans totalled SEK 52 million (47).

Q2 2012 compared with Q1 2012
Stadshypotek's operating profit for the second quarter of 2012 decreased by SEK
12 million to SEK 1,932 million (1,944). However, net interest income increased
by SEK 21 million to SEK 1,979 million (1,958). SEK 164 million (116) of the net
interest income was attributable to the branch in Norway, SEK 28 million (23) to
the branch in Denmark and SEK 59 million (48) to the branch in Finland. The
increase in net interest income at the branches outside Sweden was mainly due to
improved margins. Excluding these branches, net interest income went down by SEK
43 million, which was mainly due to a slightly higher funding cost. Net
gains/losses on financial items at fair value amounted to SEK 19 million (56).
Expenses were unchanged at SEK 66 million (66).

During the period, loans to the public increased by SEK 13 billion (36) to SEK
857 billion.

The capital ratio according to Basel II was 60.4 per cent (60.7) while the Tier
1 ratio calculated according to Basel II was 44.0 per cent (41.4). Further
information on capital adequacy is provided in the 'Capital base and capital
requirement' section on page 15.

Stadshypotek's rating remained unchanged during the period, with a stable

 Stadshypotek      Covered bonds Long-term Short-term
 Moody's           Aaa           -         P-1

 Standard & Poor's               AA-       A-1+

 Fitch                           AA-       F1+

Stockholm, July 17 2012

Per Beckman
Verkställande direktör

