Source: Master Plan Communications

Moms in Charge Learn, Share and Gather Tools During First Annual Event

Food Demos, Musicians, Dancers and Inspirational Stories Help Make the Event a Huge Success

ALISO VIEJO, CA--(Marketwire - Aug 27, 2012) -  Today, Moms in Charge is still feeling the excitement for their cause after the conclusion of its First Annual, "A Day for M.E." event over the weekend in Costa Mesa. With morning sessions that included educational instructors, woman-to-woman sharing and a little bit of hip-hop and yoga, these mothers are armed and ready to take on the world as they join forces with Moms in Charge.

Founder Dotty Hagmier was pumped even before the evening guest speaker, Joe Cross, took the stage. "A Day for M.E. has included everything we could have hoped for and more -- an audience prepared to learn, presenters with valued information, and vendors to meet almost every need imaginable to moms that are continuing the mission to take charge of their family's lives." Continued Hagmier, "This event has been a joy to put together, and today has been an incredible experience that I believe will continue into our second year and beyond. Moms in Charge is here to stay, and we are more committed than ever to continue to spread our message to all moms."

As the room's energy built with each speaker, topics really resonated with the audience and presentations by Dr. Christy Weston, Mark Romero and raw food chef Jenny Ross of 118 Degrees were favorites. The moms in attendance received a well-rounded day of head-to-toe instruction on implementing a healthier lifestyle, and it became clear that whether you have been implementing these changes for a long time or if you are just beginning your journey, Moms in Charge is a tremendous tool for moms to empower themselves.

At the conclusion of the evening, Joe Cross came to share his personal story of transformation, which was chronicled in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been seen by more than 2.5M people worldwide. More than 100 pounds overweight, Joe spent 60 days traveling across America consuming nothing but the fresh juice of fruits and vegetables, talking to average people about their relationship to food, and ultimately inspiring and leading others on the path back to health.

Moms in Charge has a O.N.E. Food Class scheduled in September tackling back to school lunches that is already close to selling out, as well as one on October 9. The MIC Season Launch event is coming up September 20 at the Montage in Laguna Beach, CA and will be another event that will be hard to miss. You can join the event on Facebook at For more information on events and Moms in Charge in general, please visit

About Moms in Charge:
Moms in Charge is an organization of moms who are becoming empowered with information to change the shape of our future. By educating themselves to the facts about our food, chemicals and environment and implementing changes to the way we they think, moms are able to provide better choices for their kids, thereby changing how their kids view the world around them. By promoting wellness and good choices, Moms in Charge believes kids will grow to continue to make healthy choices into adulthood. For more information on Moms in Charge, please visit:

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Kirsten Woodard