Source: Help Hospitalized Veterans

Craft Kits Help Veterans Deal With PTSD

Against 25M to 1 Odds, Veteran Connects With His Own Mother

WINCHESTER, Calif., Sept. 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Howard Blevins served in the U.S. Army for 15 years when, during a tour of duty in Iraq, he suffered injury from an explosive devise. Although his physical wounds have healed, Blevins is unable to speak about his war experiences, as the battle is now lingering within.  This new enemy, post-traumatic stress, put Blevins in the hospital.  While there, he was encouraged to complete an arts & crafts kit donated by Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV).

"Each craft kit contains a postcard with the name and address of a donor.  The postage has been prepaid, enabling the veteran to write a note of thanks then simply drop the postcard into the mail," said Mike Lynch HHV's president & CEO.

So imagine how Blevins must have felt when he selected a craft kit and saw that the name on the postcard was his mother's.  "I was shocked. It was like my mom was reaching out for me, right there in the hospital room!"

Blevins has since completed other craft kits, and was even awarded a gold medal for his work on a model truck at the 2009 National Veterans Creative Arts Festival.

"My favorite kits are the models and leather, but I never keep finished kits because it feels good to give them away as gifts," Blevins said.  "The HHV kits help calm my nerves so much that when I find myself getting frustrated or angry I grab a kit knowing it will take me to a place in my mind that's peaceful," he added.

Blevins feels that it's important to get the word out to other veterans who are battling PTSD so that they may also find relief through HHV's therapeutic craft kits as much as he has.  Of course there is one special kit that Blevins will always remember the most—the one that reminded him a mother's love is always nearby.

A photo accompanying this release is available at:
