Source: Cisco Systems, Inc.

GTS CE Deploys Cisco's Next-Generation Elastic Core Network Solution

Cisco's CRS Elastic Core Solution Selected for 100 Gbps IP-Over-DWDM (IPoDWDM) Backbone Powered by nLight(TM) Technology

SAN JOSE, CA--(Marketwire - Oct 2, 2012) - Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) today announced that GTS Central Europe (GTS CE), a leading provider of integrated telecommunications solutions and data center services in Central and Eastern Europe, has deployed the industry-leading Cisco® Carrier Routing System (CRS) for its Next-Generation Internet core.

With the expected growth in network traffic, combined with complex traffic patterns associated with distributed storage and compute resources, service providers are seeking to deploy a core solution that converges IP and optical domains, for agility and efficiency and to interconnect data centers.

Cisco new elastic core networking capabilities enable service providers such as GTS CE to cost-effectively launch and scale revenue-generating services within minutes instead of months. The solution includes the industry's first integrated coherent 100 Gbps Internet Protocol over dense wave division multiplexing (IPoDWDM) and Cisco's nLight™ technology for the CRS.

Cisco's nLight technology converges IP and optical transport networks by introducing programmability to minimize network complexity while maximizing service intelligence and monetization opportunities. This capability significantly reduces network total cost of ownership and is a key element of the Cisco Open Network Environment (ONE) framework. Cisco ONE fully integrates an operator's underlying network infrastructure with application environments, creating opportunities to deliver new application-specific services.

Cisco CRS, with new elastic core capabilities, allows service providers of all sizes to cost-effectively deploy multi-chassis routing configurations, which makes it easier to scale services. The Cisco CRS also offers GTS unmatched capacity for its core network with 400 Gbps per slot ready capability, high resiliency, and a cost-effective intelligent core solution to improve the return on investment for its core network.

Highlights/Key Facts

  • GTS CE owns and operates an extensive fiber optic and data center network throughout the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, and is a leading provider of integrated telecommunications services.

  • GTS CE can now easily address anticipated growth in Internet traffic caused by increasing demand for cloud computing and other high-bandwidth applications using Cisco's CRS elastic core solution.

  • The Cisco CRS elastic core architecture delivers flexible scale, transport, and services to help service providers minimize network complexity and maximize service monetization:
    • Elastic Scale: Cisco CRS platform is a 400 Gbps per-slot ready solution with a multi-chassis architecture designed for operators to economically grow capacity in-service and protect their core investments for decades. Innovations improve economics to deliver multi-chassis scale to service providers of all sizes.
    • Elastic Transport: Cisco CRS can converge IP and optical layers at 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, and now coherent 100 Gbps speeds while reusing over 90% of existing fiber infrastructure. Cisco ONE innovations, such as nLight technology, help reduce provisioning times of separate IP and optical networks from months to minutes, saving as much as 36% on the total cost of ownership (TCO, or capital and operational expense savings).
    • Elastic Services: Cisco CRS simultaneously supports transit label-switching (LSR) and rich IP services in a single system, delivering as much as 42% savings in TCO vs. conventional technologies. The 80 Gbps Carrier Grade Services Engine allows for high-value network services (e.g., Carrier Grade IPv6, NPS, Anti-DDOS Security, etc.) to be integrated into the platform to deliver premium value to subscribers.

  • The Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast, 2011-2016, projects that global Internet traffic will increase more than fourfold to more than a zettabyte by 2016. This amount is 100 exabytes higher than the projected level in 2013, or an increase the equivalent of 10 times all the traffic traversing IP networks in 2008.


  • Ignacio Irurita, CTO, GTS CE
    "The Cisco CRS-3, combined with IPoDWDM, provides an innovative, elastic solution that allows us to cost-effectively build our next-generation core network. The CRS-3 deployment shows our commitment to provide the best IP-based services to our customers, enabling a great service performance across Central and Eastern Europe."

  • Bill Gartner, vice president and general manager, High-End Routing and Optical Group, Cisco
    "GTS CE has positioned its flexible, fully-featured core network to meet the demands of increasingly complex video and cloud transport by deploying the Cisco CRS platform. GTS CE is in a position to deliver a multitude of advanced video, voice, cloud and data services, as well as manage the demands of visual networking using Cisco's CRS Elastic Core solution."

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About GTS CE
GTS Central Europe is a leading infrastructure-based provider of telecommunications services in Central and Eastern Europe. GTS owns and operates an extensive fiber optic and data center network throughout the region. In the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, the company combines its regional footprint with deep local networks to deliver a broad range of services. From basic voice and data to complex virtual private networks and managed data center services, GTS assembles the latest technology with its extensive network to provide industry-leading customer solutions. With a rich operating history of nearly 20 years in CEE, the company is committed to providing service excellence and value to its nearly 40,000 business, carrier and government customers. For more information, please visit us at

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