Source: Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies

Rocket Attacks Force Last-Minute Change of Plans for Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Delegation to Israel

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 29, 2012) - In an all too vivid demonstration of the danger Israelis face every day, particularly in the past few weeks as Hamas continues its attack on southern Israel, a Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) Mission to Israel has had to change plans to avoid rocket fire.

"This is a situation most Canadian simply cannot imagine; Israelis are living in and out of bomb shelters, children cannot go to school and the rocket fire continues while the UN is silent," said Avi Benlolo, President and CEO of FSWC and leader of the 'Compassion to Action' Mission to Poland and Israel. "Our delegation was scheduled to visit southern Israel as part of our trip, but we were advised to change our plans and luckily avoided being in the direct path of incoming rockets. The Israelis who live here are not as fortunate - they are the victims of Gaza's war against Israel's existence every single day," he explained.

FSWC is wrapping up its fourth 'Compassion to Action' Mission to visit the sites of the Holocaust and, for the first time, a visit to Israel as well. Included on this mission are 10 Chiefs of Police from across the country, the Mayor of Vaughan and the Deputy Premier of Alberta, as well as a number of private individuals.

Contact Information:

Media Contact
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies
Stacey Starkman
Communications Manager
416.864.9735 x 32