Source: AdColony

New Ad Effectiveness Research Shows Mobile Video Advertising Delivers Superior Results in Cross-Screen Study

Nielsen Study Measured Brand Awareness, Favorability & Purchase Intent for a Major CPG Brand Campaign Across TV, Online & Mobile

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 13, 2012) - New research by Nielsen reveals the results of a major cross-platform video ad effectiveness study initiated by AdColony, Horizon Media, and a major CPG brand. Fielded in May 2012, the cross-platform video ad effectiveness study measured the brand and ad effectiveness of the exact same 15-second video spot in live campaigns across TV, online and mobile. The study found that consumers exposed to the mobile video ads demonstrated significantly higher brand awareness, favorability and interest in purchasing. Overall, mobile video delivered superior results in comparison to online video and TV across all key brand and ad metrics, proving that mobile video is a high performing vehicle to drive ROI and merits greater investment in cross-screen marketing campaigns.

Until this study, marketers had never really seen how well their mobile video campaigns fared relative to other leading video mediums such as TV and online in a head-to-head comparison. With consumers spending more and more time watching video on smartphones and tablets, and video now representing over half of all Internet traffic on mobile, AdColony, Horizon, and the CPG brand felt it was a crucial time to put mobile video to the test to determine if it is a truly effective platform for advertising.

With the intent of reaching their target audience who consume content on a variety of screens, the CPG brand in the study and its media agency Horizon teamed with AdColony to commission Nielsen to architect research analyzing the brand's live campaign deployed across platforms. Mobile performed extremely well across all tested mediums, and it even outperformed established TV and online video ad norms for the CPG brand and its category as a whole.

"Now, more than ever, brands need to invest in mobile video advertising as part of their overall marketing strategy," said Will Kassoy, CEO of AdColony. "This first of its kind mobile video study validates what the advertising community has been talking about anecdotally for long time -- mobile video delivers strong ROI as a complement to TV and online and should be leveraged as a crucial component of the marketing mix."

The mobile video ad powered by AdColony delivered a 79% General Recall, 58% Brand Recall and 45% Message Recall for consumers exposed to the 15-second mobile spot. TV ads came in second with a General Recall of 49%, while online video ads saw a General Recall of 29% (50% less than mobile). In the Brand Recall and Message Recall categories, online came in second but still trailed mobile by close to 40% in both cases. The mobile video ad also significantly outperformed established online ad norms and TV ad norms. Additional results are as follows:

The CPG mobile video ad significantly over-indexed for the same ad across platforms:

  • General Ad Recall: Mobile video was 2.7x more effective than online and 1.6x more effective than TV.
  • Brand Recall: Mobile video was 4.8x more effective than online and 5.8x more effective than TV.
  • Message Recall: Mobile video was 5.6x more effective than online and 7.5x more effective than TV.
  • Purchase Intent: Mobile video was 2.5x more effective than online and 3.8x more effective than TV.
  • For additional comparisons across all brand metrics, please see the full study.

Compared to online ad norms and TV ad norms, mobile video significantly outperformed across all metrics:

  • General Ad Recall for the mobile video ad versus online ad norms: The mobile video ad served by AdColony saw a 79% General Recall versus the CPG brand's online video ad norm of 32%.
  • General Ad Recall for the mobile video ad versus TV ad norms: The mobile video ad served by AdColony saw a General Recall of 79% versus the CPG brand's TV ad norm of 53% and the CPG brand's category TV ad norm of 41%.
  • For additional ad norm comparisons across all brand metrics, please see the full study.

"We know that mobile works well for brands looking to engage consumers, but we wanted to dig deeper to see how well mobile fared relative to other leading mediums in video advertising," said of Sarah Bachman, Mobile Director of Horizon Media. "This new research further validates our investment in mobile video for our clients, and it sheds light on the need for brands to invest in mobile to remain competitive and reach today's and tomorrow's customer."

To obtain a copy of the full study, please email

About AdColony
Founded in 2008, AdColony delivers high definition, mobile video campaigns for major brand advertisers, mobile app developers and global advertising agencies. Recall, favorability and purchase intent metrics multiply up to 5X when campaigns are delivered through AdColony, outperforming other networks. Known for its innovation, quality and expertise in mobile video, AdColony's high definition (HD) video ad network serves video ads instantly with its proprietary Instant-Play™ video ad technology on the most popular apps in the world across Apple's iOS and Google's Android platforms. AdColony is an advocate for mobile video standards and is a proud member of the Mobile Marketing Association. For more information, please visit or follow @adcolony.

About Horizon Media
Horizon Media, Inc. is the largest independent media services company in the world. The company was founded in 1989, is headquartered in New York and has offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Miami and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Horizon Media was chosen as 2011 Independent Media Agency of the Year by Mediapost, 2010 U.S. Media Agency of the Year by Adweek/Brandweek/Mediaweek and by Ad Age, and as one of the world's most innovative marketing and advertising companies by Fast Company in 2011. The company's mission is "To create the most meaningful brand connections within the lives of people everywhere." By delivering on this mission through a holistic approach to brand marketing, Horizon Media has become the fastest-growing media agency in the industry, with estimated billings of $3.6 billion and approximately 750 employees. The company is also a founding member of Columbus Media International, a multi-national partnership of independent media agencies. For more information, please visit

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