Source: Canadian Labour Congress

GM Job Cuts in Oshawa Sign of Disrespect: CLC Says Governments Must Work to Reverse Decision

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2012) - The President of the Canadian Labour Congress says an announcement by General Motors that it will shut down part of its production in Oshawa shows disrespect for Canada, Ontario and the local community.

"General Motors owes Canada more than this," says Ken Georgetti. "The company made this announcement with no warning just as workers and their families are getting ready for the holidays. This is a sign of great disrespect."

GM announced without warning that it will cease production of the Camaro sports car in Oshawa in 2016. The Canadian Auto Workers union estimates that at least 1,000 jobs of the existing 2,200 Camaro production jobs could be lost when production in Oshawa ceases in 2016. The union predicts that thousands of other jobs could be lost among companies that provide parts and services to support production.

"The Canadian and Ontario governments bailed out General Motors to the tune of $10.6 billion when they were in deep trouble in 2009," says Georgetti. "I am calling on those governments to demand General Motors reverse this decision or to have these jobs replaced with other production. There is still time between now and 2016 to turn this around."

Georgetti says that GM plants in Oshawa once employed 23,000 workers but now they employ only 4,000 workers. "Canada used to have a $15 billion automotive trade surplus but now we have a deficit of almost $16 billion. Our governments must come up with a national auto policy that preserves Canada's fair share of jobs in the auto industry. These are good, family supporting jobs and they are important to the entire country."

The Canadian Labour Congress, the national voice of the labour movement, represents 3.3 million Canadian workers. The CLC brings together Canada's national and international unions along with the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 130 district labour councils. Web site: Follow us on Twitter @CanadianLabour

Contact Information:

Dennis Gruending
CLC Communications
Cell-text: 613-878-6040