Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

ADVISORY: London Town Hall to Debunk Austerity Myths and Expose Local Impact of Government Cuts to Jobs and Services

LONDON, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 30, 2013) - Outraged at the Ontario Liberal government's deep cuts to social programs and the recent attack on the democratic rights of education workers, London community members will be gathering on Wednesday, January 30 for a public town hall meeting. The forum will feature remarks from OFL President Sid Ryan and a keynote presentation by CAW Economist Jim Stanford called "Challenging the Austerity Myth."

The meeting will address local concern about the fact that almost 12 percent of London's population are struggling on low incomes and almost one in seven children are living in poverty. Unemployment rates in the London Region are 8 percent, and consistently exceed the Ontario average of 6.3 percent. However, the impact of cuts is being felt across most income levels. A recent report from the Ontario Common Front revealed that fully 40 percent of Ontario families have seen their incomes stagnate or fall over the last decade, as Ontario's social program funding lags behind every other province by nearly every measure.

"In communities across the province, families are falling further behind because of Liberal Government's cuts to vital services and social programs, while corporate tax cuts continue to starve Ontario's economy of $15 billion annually," said OFL President Sid Ryan. "Struggling families here in London are right to demand fairness and equity from the Ontario's new Premier, Kathleen Wynne. Investing in jobs, protecting services and safeguarding workers' democratic rights is the only way to prevent a double-dip recession and address rising inequality."

EVENT: London Community Town Hall Meeting on Economic & Democratic Rights
WHEN: Wednesday, January 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: CAW Local 27 Hall, 606 First St., London
WHO: OFL President Sid Ryan & Keynote by CAW Economist Jim Stanford

"Governments at every level are making deep cuts to jobs and social programs based on bogus arguments intended to disguise their real agenda of and dismantling the social safety net," said London and District Labour Council President Patti Dalton. "Renowned economist Jim Stanford delivers the most engaging plain-language explanation of the myths behind the austerity agenda. Everyone needs to learn the real truth and the alternatives. Economic recovery is only possible when everyone is lifted up."

The London town hall is one in a series of regional meetings taking place across Ontario: "Labour and community groups have come together to launch an Ontario Common Front against cuts to jobs and services. We are building partnerships in every community - from London to Ottawa to Thunder Bay," said Ryan. "It is time for the people to start setting the agenda."

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The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario. Visit and follow the OFL on Facebook and Twitter: @OFLabour and SidRyan_OFL.

Contact Information:

Ontario Federation of Labour
Sid Ryan
416-209-0066 (cell)
@SidRyan_OFL (Twitter)

Ontario Federation of Labour
Joel Duff
Communications Director
416-707-0349 (cell) (ENG/FRENCH)

London and District Labour Council
Patti Dalton