Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region

Convictions Under The Fisheries Act, Gaspe

QUÉBEC CITY, QUÉBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 25, 2013) - Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec Region, has released a list of fishers fined in December 2012 and January 2013 for various offences under the Fisheries Act.

The fines imposed on the offenders total $6,100. In addition, the value of the seized fish was confiscated from one of them. The offenders are:

Offender and home Offence Fine
Richard Albert
Possession of cod during a closed time. $500
Sylvain Arsenault
Possession of rock crab under the legal size limit. $800
Robert Dunn
Non-compliance with Greenland Halibut licence conditions by failing to hail out before 7 p.m. the day before and failing to comply with the departure time indicated during the hail-out. $1,500
Rodrigue Langlois
Non-compliance with Atlantic halibut licence conditions by keeping Atlantic halibut under the minimum legal size and landing fish without a dockside observer present. $3,000 + confiscation of seized fish.
Jean-Paul Lévesque
(Kedgwick, N.-B.)
Harvesting softshell clams in a closed area. $300

Fisheries and Oceans Canada has a mandate to protect and conserve marine resources and prosecute offenders under the Fisheries Act. To report a poacher, dial 1-800-463-9057. All calls are anonymous and confidential.

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Contact Information:

Martin Bourget
Communications Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Quebec, Quebec