Source: Paladin Energy Ltd

Paladin Energy: Kayelekera Mine-Alleged Eye Damage

PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA--(Marketwired - May 30, 2013) - Paladin Energy Ltd ("Paladin" or "the Company") (TSX:PDN) (ASX:PDN) notes that in recent media announcements it has been alleged that a former employee of a Paladin contractor working at its Kayelekera Mine site in Malawi has suffered eye damage because of his radiation exposure. The Company wishes to respond to the various reports and allegations that have been made by this person and his medical doctor. This person who worked for the mining contractor for a short period of time from July 2010 to later in 2012, allegedly had his eyesight affected as a result of exposure to radiation while working at the mine.

Certainly, the loss, or partial loss of sight, by the individual is highly regrettable and the Company wishes him a speedy recovery, however, the Company completely refutes that this has been caused by exposure to natural radiation.

Paladin has reviewed these claims with internal safety and radiation specialists and by a recognised external radiation expert. It has also analysed all routinely collected radiation monitoring data, which was collected in accordance with its standing work procedures during the above period including substantial personal monitoring data from the individual involved. The results of this review show that the individual received a radiation dose well below the annual radiation dose limit for workers as stipulated by international radiation protection agencies. The Company's experts have concluded that the contractor's loss of sight is unrelated to his low-level radiation exposure.

The Company follows a strict approved Radiation Management Plan, which requires collection and regular reporting on radiation levels and personal radiation exposures of its workforce and contractors. It has been routinely reported to Government regulatory authorities that Paladin workforce and contractors receive very low doses, which are well below internationally recommended limits. All personnel working either directly or indirectly for Paladin at its mine sites adhere to strict practice to ensure the highest safety and health standards. This practice also includes wearing personal protective equipment and participation in radiation monitoring and training in radiation protection.

ACN 061 681 098

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John Borshoff
Managing Director/CEO
+61-8-9381-4366 or Mobile: +61-419-912-571

Greg Taylor
Investor Relations Contact
+1 905 337-7673 or Mobile: +1 416-605-5120 (Toronto)