Source: Forbes & Manhattan

Forbes & Manhattan Announces Appointment of Mr. Michael Spektor to Its Advisory Board

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - July 15, 2013) - Forbes & Manhattan, a leading private merchant bank with a global focus on the resource-based sectors, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Michael Spektor to its International Advisory Board. Forbes & Manhattan is honored to welcome Mr. Spektor to the board, believing Mr. Spektor's appointment to be recognition of his business success in Russia and Ukraine and a commitment to further growth and development in these jurisdictions. Mr. Spektor is currently President of VS Energy International, and after 7 years at its helm, is credited with building the company to be one of the most successful and globally significant companies to emerge from the former Soviet Union. Mr. Spektor's appointment further strengthens Forbes & Manhattan's current business ties with Russia and Ukraine, while providing "in country" representation to the group.

Prior to his position with VS Energy, Mr. Spektor participated in the creation and development of a number of successful business projects. Under Mr. Spektor's leadership one the largest energy traders in Ukraine was created and developed significant influence in the energy sector of the country. Mr. Spektor, in his role as commercial director and later president of the company, was actively involved in the development and implementation of the strategy of privatization of the energy sector in Ukraine. In addition, Mr. Spektor was also involved in the matters relating to the energy security of Ukraine. Mr. Spektor's activities also extended to the metallurgical sphere through the cooperation between his company and one of the largest metallurgical factories in Ukraine where he improved the efficiency of raw materials supply and sales of finished products.

Despite his work commitments, Mr. Spektor is an active philanthropist. Mr. Spektor has supported the creation of the Open Hearts of Ukraine foundation to assist needy children while sponsoring talented youth and helping people in difficult life situations. Mr. Spektor is also a sponsor and supporter of Barvinok orphanage near Kiev, Ukraine, Livadiyskaya school, and a school in Lviv, Ukraine for children with impaired speech.

Stan Bharti, Founder and Executive Chairman of Forbes & Manhattan said, "I am honored to have Mr. Spektor join our outstanding international Advisory Board. Mr Spektor joins Larry King- former CNN anchor, Hon. Pierre Pettigrew - former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada, Jim Rogers-International Commodity expert, Gen. (Ret) Lewis Mackenzie, former United Nations commander in the Balkans, Gen. (Ret) Sir Michael Rose, former SAS commander in the British Army, Bernie Wilson, former Vice Chair PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Peter Boot- Emerging markets financial executive with emphasis on Brasil.

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