Media Advisory/Photo Opportunity: Physiotherapists to Demonstrate in Response to Cuts to OHIP-Funded Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists will be rallying against the Ontario Physiotherapy Association, which has worked against the interest of its own members-and the profession-by supporting devastating cuts to publicly-funded physiotherapy services

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - July 26, 2013) - More than 3,000 Ontario physiotherapy workers - including 1,000 physiotherapists - will be out of a job on August 1, as a result of the Ontario government's decision to cut funding for OHIP physiotherapy on that date.

These physiotherapists, and physiotherapy assistants, have helped thousands of seniors improve their mobility and maintain their independence and quality of life by providing seniors with up to three high quality, evidence-based, one-on-one physiotherapy treatments a week.

However, that level of care is about to change. More than 35,000 Ontario seniors living in retirement homes, supportive housing, and their own homes, have already been notified that their physiotherapists will not be able to treat them after August 1.

Tomorrow, hundreds of physiotherapists and physiotherapists, who have long provided excellent, low-cost OHIP-funded physiotherapy, will demonstrate outside the offices of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA), which -- bizarrely - is supporting the drastic cuts.

"Sadly, the OPA is betraying seniors and physiotherapy professionals in a crass political move to support the government's cuts," said Tony Melles, Executive Director of the Designated Physiotherapy Clinics Association (DPCA.) "We'll be letting the OPA know loud and clear that only one physiotherapy organization is taking an ethical stand to protect seniors, and that is the DPCA."


Physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants


A demonstration against the Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA), which is working toward degrading the profession of physiotherapy by supporting cuts to vital services for seniors and the vulnerable. The OPA has misrepresented members and non-members alike, with no consultation. Physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants will be rallying against the association, which is supposed to be representing them and their profession.


Friday, July 26, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.


Outside the offices of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association
55 Eglinton Avenue East,

About Designated Physiotherapy Clinics (DPCs)

The province's 94 OHIP-funded Designated Physiotherapy Clinics (DPCs) have provided high-quality, low-cost care to more than 150,000 Ontario seniors, children, social assistance recipients and disabled persons each year in community clinics, Long-Term Care homes and retirement residences for almost 50 years. DPC physiotherapists provide high-quality, safe and effective treatment on a fee-for-service basis in Ontario for only $12.20 per treatment.

Contact Information:

Gary Rehan