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Social Marketing: Career Wave of the Future

Online Marketer/Social Media Specialist Job Outlook Shows No Sign of Dimming By Jeanne Dininni

IRVINE, CA, Sept. 3, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Focus on Social: A Rising Trend

One of the hottest career trends for today's young marketing major is the often-underappreciated yet up-and-coming role of business social media strategist. Today's organizations are recognizing the need to bring a new crop of bright, energetic young marketers on board to handle their social media campaigns. Why? Because busy business owners and managers understand that they need to infuse their marketing efforts with fresh, bold, workable ideas.

The sharpest businesspeople instinctively know they need to embrace the fiercely innovative approach that technically savvy digital natives bring to the table. They understand that the boundless enthusiasm, straight-ahead passion, and out-of-the-box thinking they need for designing a creative--and successful--social media strategy will most likely come from today's perpetually digitally connected marketing grad. By pumping this "new blood" into their organizations to maximize the effectiveness of their social media campaigns, smart business leaders are telling the world that social media are both the heart and the future of marketing.

According to Target Marketing Magazine, the four top media for direct marketing in 2013 [http://www.targetmarketingmag.com/article/target-marketings-seventh-annual-media-usage-forecast-2013/2] include e-mail, search (SEO/SEM), social media, and direct mail.

The survey also covers plans for social media spending [http://www.targetmarketingmag.com/article/target-marketings-seventh-annual-media-usage-forecast-2013/2] and indicates that 57 percent of responding business owners' marketing plans included increased social media spending in 2013. A negligible 3.3 percent planned to decrease social media engagement, while 28.5 percent planned to keep it the same. Essentially, these survey results demonstrate that an overwhelming majority (85.5 percent) of businesses surveyed planned to either maintain or increase their social media budgets in 2013. Another interesting indicator the survey reveals about the popularity of social media for business is the relatively insignificant segment of polled businesses that were not using social media for marketing: just 11.2 percent.

Bright Social Media Career Outlook

The simple fact is that the role of social media in marketing is expanding. Online networking is grabbing a consistently increasing portion of the average company's budget and gaining ever greater significance in the company's marketing mix. The business leaders who are savvy enough to create a plan that lets talent and training intersect with opportunity will be the ones who come out ahead--and so will the social media specialists they hire to implement their plans.

This steady upward trend in social media advertising [http://www.marketingtechblog.com/social-ad-spending-forecast/] is good news for today's marketing major and promises a bright future for the savvy social media strategist who has the theoretical skills and practical "chops" to step in and make things happen for the company.

The field of public relations simply isn't what it used to be--thanks not only to the Internet but also to social media. With life getting faster and more dizzyingly complex every day and businesspeople growing busier and busier by the minute, opportunities for social media campaign management positions will continue to increase. There's never been a more exciting time for a new crop of sharp young marketing experts to step up and take the lead.

The Power of Mobile Social Seals the Deal

New, high-tech, product launches are demanding more strategically devised, innovatively designed, and aggressively implemented customer acquisition strategies to create a fresh influx of new buyers. As new mobile apps are developed, marketing strategies evolve to keep pace with new technology, making this a lucrative time to be on the forefront of the marketing revolution.

One major clue that mobile and social are inexorably linked comes from a Celtra study the results of which indicate, according to AllFacebook [http://allfacebook.com/celtra-infographic_b118966], that "Mobile rich-media ads fare far better on social networks than via mobile publishers."

Another clue to the link, this time from TechCrunch [http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/13/facebook-mobile-user-count/], reveals that the vast majority of Facebook users engage with brands via mobile technology--a usage metric that's fairly uniform across all social media. The importance of mobile social is further confirmed by Business Insider [http://www.businessinsider.com/how-mobile-social-networks-have-become-2013-77], which compares time spent on various social networks via desktop vs. mobile technology. The explosive mobile-powered marketing network that's currently evolving makes it easier than ever for social media specialists to enter a career market to which their talents and services have become virtually indispensable.

Still further evidence of the mobile-social link comes from the 2013 Restaurant Social Media Index (RSMI) [http://nrn.com/social-media/restaurant-customers-look-beyond-facebook-social-engagement], which tells us, "Mobile engagement has increased about 300 percent in the last year." And while restaurant customers may be "increasingly shifting their attention from Facebook and Twitter to other social media platforms" like Vine, Google+ and YouTube--and thus creating what's been called the "next wave of social"--the message such a shift sends to the social media marketer seeking a stable career opportunity is that it isn't so much which social media platform may be the platform of choice at the moment, but more importantly, the fact that whichever way the pendulum may swing with regard to individual network popularity, it's social media as a whole that's driving customer and prospect engagement.

Sqeeqee: A Powerful Platform that Brings it All Together

What does the explosive mobile-social phenomenon mean to businesses, individuals, and the social media specialists who will be seeking employment in the immediate future? First, it means that the outlook for immediate and long-term profitability, prosperity, and opportunity is bright for each of the above-named groups. And, second, it demonstrates that the time is ripe for a brand new method of integrating all social media channels across a single e-commerce social platform that has the potential to revolutionize Internet marketing.

Enter Sqeeqee [https://sqeeqee.com/page/about], the all-inclusive social aggregator that's poised to ride the "next wave of social," leading the way to unprecedented levels of online engagement and opening wide the doors of opportunity for Internet marketers, social media strategists, and everyday people to engage in a wide variety of profit-generating online activities.

Through an innovative concept known as networthing™ Sqeeqee builds profitability into such key social networking properties as status updates, image and video sharing, fundraising, crowdfunding--and for businesses, such vital activities as advertising, marketing, company branding, customer service, and client relations--by helping small business owners and others generate ad revenues via multiple profiles and enabling them to do it all from a single online hub. With Sqeeqee, both individual and professional social profiles can be monetized, connected, and controlled from a single platform--a capability that clearly represents the wave of the future for social.

The advent of the innovative Sqeeqee [https://sqeeqee.com/] technology is just one more key factor driving the upsurge in the power of social--a power that promises a monumental rise in opportunity for today's digitally savvy online marketer.