Source: Pitch Publicity

Phase 2 White Kidney Bean Extract Instrumental for Riding Out the Holidays Without Additional Weight Gain

KEARNY, NJ--(Marketwired - Oct 1, 2013) - Carbohydrate cravings can skyrocket during the fall and winter months and may contribute to holiday weight gain that can be difficult to lose. Experts say ignoring the cravings for carbs can work against you in the long run since carbs trigger the release of serotonin, a brain chemical that boosts mood. However, overindulging can lead to unavoidable weight gain, which is why adding Phase 2 white kidney bean extract to your holidays can help you enjoy more carbs while absorbing less.

"No one wants to be on a strict diet during the holidays," says Lisa Lynn, celebrity nutrition and fitness expert who was Martha Stewart's personal trainer for 13 years. "The best game plan during the holidays is to focus on weight maintenance rather than weight loss."

Weight maintenance was Dana Tilton's plan that eventually led to her 34-pound weight loss when she started training with Lynn last December.

"Before the holidays I knew my first step was to just stop gaining any more weight. I was able to get through the season, still cheating, but without gaining," says Tilton. "I took Phase 2 before every meal and it stabilized my blood sugar; I just didn't crave as much."

Lynn recommends Phase 2 white kidney bean extract to her clientele because of its ability to temporarily bind with the enzyme that digests starch, preventing a portion of the carbohydrates from being broken down into sugar and stored as fat. One or two capsules before a meal can block up to 65 percent of unwanted carbs without gastric distress according to a study published in Nutrition Business Journal. 

"My ultimate goal was to not be the fat mamma on the beach by summer," says Tilton, a 42-year-old Florida mother of three. "Once I got past the holidays without gaining anything more I was able to get serious about my exercise plan and cut additional carbs from my diet but Phase 2 has helped me on days I couldn't resist my sweet tooth and cravings for Italian food."

According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average person will put on at least one pound during the holidays and then never lose it. 

Phase 2 is the only white kidney bean extract backed by numerous clinical studies for efficacy. Phase 2 is a branded ingredient that can be found in products such as Natrol's Carb Intercept, Now Foods' Starch Neutralizer, Swanson's Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer, LynFit Nutrition's Carb Edge and GNC's Total Lean Phase 2 Carb Controller. For a complete list, visit: For more health tips, visit:

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