Svendborg Sparekasse A/S - changes due to merger between Svendborg Sparekasse A/S and Vestfyns Bank A/S

Svendborg Sparekasse A/S – admittance to trading and official listing of new shares due to the merger between Svendborg Sparekasse A/S and Vestfyns Bank A/S, change of face value (new ISIN) and name change


On general meetings in Svendborg Sparekasse A/S and Vestfyns Bank A/S the merger between the two companies was adopted. Svendborg Sparekasse is the continuing company. Due to the merger the share capital in Svendborg Sparekasse will be increased.

On general meetings in Svendborg Sparekasse A/S the change of the face value of the company’s shares from DKK 100 to DKK 10 and the name change from Svendborg Sparekasse A/S to Fynske Bank A/S were adopted.

The changes will be implemented on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 12 December 2013.

As a consequence of the merger, Vestfyns Bank will be delisted from trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 12 December 2013. Please see separate exchange notice about the delisting.

For further information, please see the companies’ announcements and the merger documents. 


ISIN: DK0010282359
New ISIN: DK0060520377
Name: Sparekassen Svendborg
New name: Fynske Bank
Volume before change: 483,100 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 100 (DKK 48,310,000)
Face value: DKK 100
New face value: DKK 10
Volume after change of face value: 4,831,000 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 10 (48,310,000)
Change due to merger: 2,750,000 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 10 (DKK 27,500,000)
Volume after merger: 7,581,000 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 10 (DKK 75,810,000)
Face value: DKK 100
New face value: DKK 10
Short Name: SVEND
New short name: FYNBK
Unchanged orderbook ID: 14651


For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66


Svendborg Spks - fusion mv - uk.pdf