Source: The Pen Group

Kuwait Sees Fastest Growth of GCC Countries in Obtaining U.S. Patents

WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwired - Dec 12, 2013) - A new Global Academic Innovation Network (GAIN) report shows that so far in 2013 Kuwaiti inventors achieved the country's best-ever rate of annual growth in U.S. patents, obtaining more than double the number of patents in 2013 than in 2012. Kuwait far surpasses Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar, Bahrain and Oman in its speed in implementing programs which foster innovation resulting in U.S. patent rights.

The dramatic increase is a result of the Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC) recognizing and supporting Kuwait's most inventive citizens, according to the GAIN study. Over 50 of the approximately 80 U.S. patents issued to Kuwaiti citizens in 2013 were filed by inventors who received support from SACGC. With U.S. patent issuance as a key indicator, SACGC has helped make Kuwait a leader among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in developing its innovation based economy. Many of the U.S. patents issued to Kuwait citizens from 2011 through 2013 were the result of SACGC's inventor support programs.

Although Bahrain and Oman have Free Trade Agreements with the U.S., neither country has had any appreciable U.S. patent activity. Kuwait, however, is catapulting forward as a leader in innovation. In the past three years Kuwaiti inventors, on a per capita basis, received three times as many U.S. patents as inventors from either Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates and four times as many as inventors from Qatar. Similarly, Kuwait's U.S. patent activity was triple the patents issued to Lebanese inventors during this period, although Lebanon has been well regarded for its innovative culture for many years.

SACGC is an initiative by His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, to sponsor and support gifted Kuwaitis of all ages, and to provide them with a support and mentoring platform that enables them to excel and become globally competitive in their fields. SACGS is a division of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science.

When SACGC introduced its "Invention Development and Adoption Program" in 2012, General Manager Omar Al-Bannai said, "Kuwait is rich with bright minds that are in need of the support and guidance. Our goal is to attract and foster Kuwait's aspiring inventors and boost innovation by offering them guidance to develop their inventions from the earliest stages through to the marketplace." By acquiring U.S. patents, SACGC inventors are on a proven path to marketability and commercialization.

SACGC has proven it is achieving its goals with support for inventors who are experts in their fields as well as young aspiring inventors. During 2013 U.S. Patents were issued to inventors supported by SACGC who are medical doctors, IT specialists, chemical engineers, as well as experts in a wide variety of other fields. 

Inventors supported by SACGC were granted U.S. patents in 2013 for a broad range of inventions including medical and surgical devices, an automated traffic control system, an emergency response system, improvements to turbojet engines, exercise equipment, and a fire-fighting robot.

Kuwaiti inventors apply for U.S. patents on the same basis as U.S. citizens. The patent laws of the United States do not discriminate with regard to the citizenship of the inventor. The share of U.S. patents issued to residents of foreign countries has grown as technological capabilities in other countries have grown. Fifty years ago, in 1963, only 18.6% of the U.S. patents granted originated outside of the U.S. However, each year since 2008 more than 50% of granted U.S. patents originated outside the U.S. The rapid rate of growth of Kuwaiti applicants filing for U.S. patents puts the country on track to be like Singapore and Nordic countries with sustainable, fast growing innovation economies.

About GAIN

The Global Academic Innovation Network (GAIN) is an international technology transfer group that connects universities and businesses from around the world for collaboration, commercialization and economic development. GAIN members are encouraged to work together to achieve tangible solutions for global problems to advance the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, to help commercialize breakthrough technologies involving energy, the environment and communications, and to improve products used worldwide. For more information visit:

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