Source: Canadian Heritage (Ottawa)

Ensuring the Preservation of Saskatchewan's Heritage Collections

Government of Canada announces funding for Royal Saskatchewan Museum

SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN--(Marketwired - July 14, 2014) - Department of Canadian Heritage

The Government of Canada is providing the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM) with $78,006 in funding for its project "Applying X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) Technology to Saskatchewan Museum Collections: Improving Safety and Expanding Research." This support is provided through the Museums Assistance Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage, which provides funding to Canadian museums and related institutions for projects that foster excellence in museum activities and that facilitate access to the treasures of our collective heritage.

Ray Boughen, Member of Parliament (Palliser), announced this support today on behalf of the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.

Quick Facts

  • X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is used to identify chemical elements on the surface of an object. Testing is non-destructive and the portable XRF device is small enough to be brought to the object, eliminating the need to move fragile objects long distances.
  • Through this project, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum will:
    • facilitate a workshop to museum professionals and researchers on portable XRF technology;
    • conduct XRF testing on RSM collections and select objects from participating museums to identify potentially harmful pesticide residues; and
    • develop a protocol for off-site testing for use by the RSM, as well as a guide for small Saskatchewan museums on how to handle pesticide-contaminated objects.
  • The RSM is dedicated to preserving Saskatchewan's natural history and Aboriginal cultures past and present. Its mandate is to educate communities through its programs, exhibits, and research.

- The Government of Canada also provided $28,875 in funding to the Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund for the acquisition of the portable XRF unit.


"Our Government is ensuring Canada's museums are making informed decisions on how to treat, share, and store their valuable collections. We are proud to support the Royal Saskatchewan Museum's efforts to preserve our country's heritage for all Canadians to enjoy."

-The Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages

"Thanks to today's investment, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum will use new technology to improve its collection management and will share best practices with partnering museums. I am pleased that our Government is investing in a project that will benefit multiple organizations in the province and will ensure Saskatchewan's history is preserved for many years."

-Ray Boughen, Member of Parliament (Palliser)

"We appreciate this investment from the federal government. Improving our collection management through the use of this technology will contribute to the preservation and care of Saskatchewan's irreplaceable heritage collections. These collections are the heart of the museum, and the knowledge gained from them contributes to the exhibits and educational programs through which we share that information with the people of Saskatchewan and visitors to the RSM."

-Harold Bryant, Director, Royal Saskatchewan Museum

Associated Links

Museums Assistance Program

Royal Saskatchewan Museum

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Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage
and Official Languages

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