Source: The Prenner Group

Emmy Viewers Have Some Binge-Watching to Do

VGMarket Poll Reveals That Just 12 out of 47 Series Have Actually Been Seen by 50%+ of Emmy Viewers; New Emmy Poll Also Sees Growing Popularity of Seth Myers: 71% of Men and 83% of Women Think He'll Be a Great Emmy Host

BEVERLY HILLS, CA--(Marketwired - Aug 25, 2014) - It appears that there's a disconnect between the Television Academy and the U.S. audience. Like small movies that receive critical attention but limited distribution, the Primetime Emmy® Awards don't sync up with series' actual popularity. A recent poll by entertainment research firm VGMarket finds that only 12 of this year's 47 nominated shows have been seen by more than half of Emmy watchers polled.

The poll also indicates there's trouble for made-for-television movies; 51% of the Emmy watchers polled have not seen any of the television movies nominated this year. The most watched television movie nominated is Sherlock: His Last Vow at just 26%.

"These findings reflect today's new viewing model. People select a series to binge-watch and then move on to a singular new program of choice -- old or new," commented Michael Gluck, Founder and President of VGMarket. "Flipping through the channels and randomly landing on a winning show is a thing of the past. Still, the poll reinforced the pop cultural importance of events like The Emmys® -- from fashion choices to a need for comedy to a universal love of The Big Bang Theory."

Additional poll findings include:

Emmy Fashions Translate to Sales

  • 20% of both men and women say celebrities' Emmy® fashions are very influential in their own shopping choices.

They're Rooting for You, Seth

  • Among Emmy watchers, 71% of men and 83% of women think Seth Myers will do well or very well as the host of this year's Emmys®.

Reality Series Finally Get Some Respect

  • 61% of Emmy watchers either agree or strongly agree that they like that reality shows are nominated for Primetime Emmys®.

Make 'Em Laugh

  • Comedy is the most watched category with 97% of Emmy watchers having seen at least one Emmy®-nominated show in those categories.

Bazinga! Men and Women Alike Love Their "Big Bang"

  • The Big Bang Theory is the most watched nominated show by both male (87%) and female (81%) Emmy® watchers.

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Contact Information:

Amy Prenner
(310) 709-1101