Source: Desalitech

Desalitech Named in 2014 Global Cleantech 100

Water Treatment Company Selected Out of Nearly 6,000 Nominations

BOSTON, Oct. 9, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Desalitech, a Massachusetts-based provider of high-efficiency water and wastewater treatment solutions, today announced it was awarded placement in the Global Cleantech 100, produced by Cleantech Group, for the second consecutive year.

Global Cleantech 100 companies are among the most innovative and promising in the world. Featuring companies that are best positioned to solve tomorrow's clean technology challenges, Global Cleantech 100 is a comprehensive list of private companies with the highest potential to make the most significant market impact.

"It is an honor to be named as an innovator and leader for the second consecutive year," said Desalitech CEO Nadav Efraty. "It is a true testament to the value and reliability of our products, and an indicator of global interest in high efficiency water treatment. As global demand for fresh water increases while supplies dwindle, reverse osmosis efficiency needs to drastically increase, and that is what Desalitech is doing."

The Global Cleantech 100 list is collated by combining proprietary Cleantech Group research data, with weighted qualitative judgments of hundreds of nominations, and specific inputs from an 84-person panel of global experts. The Expert Panel was drawn from leading financial investors and representatives of multi-national corporations and industrials active in technology and innovation scouting across Asia, Europe, and North America. The composition of the Expert Panel broadly represents the global cleantech community, from pioneers and leaders to veterans and new entrants. The diversity of panelists results in a list of companies that command an expansive base of respect and support from many important players within the global cleantech innovation ecosystem.

To qualify for the list, companies must be independent, for-profit, cleantech companies that are not listed on any major stock exchange. This year, a record number of nominations were received: 5,995 distinct companies from 60 countries. These companies were evaluated and scored to create a short list of 327 companies. Short-listed nominees were reviewed by Cleantech Group's Expert Panel, resulting in a finalized list of 100 companies from 17 countries.

"Massachusetts is quickly gaining a reputation as a global leader when it comes to clean energy and water innovation companies and technologies," said Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) CEO Alicia Barton. "Desalitech and the 10 other Massachusetts-based companies on this list are shining examples of the game-changing work going on across the Commonwealth."