Source: Streetwise Reports Llc

Inovio Pharmaceuticals' CEO Dr. J. Joseph Kim Interviewed by The Life Sciences Report

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - Oct 30, 2014) - Since Edward Jenner's development of the smallpox vaccine in the late 1790s, humankind has enjoyed the benefit of immunization, which has saved many millions of lives. Today, Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NYSE MKT: INO) is in the forefront of developing DNA vaccines, inserting engineered genes into cellular machinery to synthesize proteins that, in turn, generate antibodies that fight disease. An additional benefit is a powerful T-cell response, which harnesses the patient's own capacity to fight infections and cancers. If pivotal studies read out favorably, DNA immunization could prove a true game changer in healthcare. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Inovio President and CEO J. Joseph Kim discusses his company's platform technology, which addresses both therapeutic and preventive methods of fighting disease.

The Life Sciences Report: Joseph, your principal technology platform at Inovio is the DNA-based vaccine or immunotherapy. The traditional immunization platform involves giving a patient an attenuated virus, bacterium or antigen, and waiting a few weeks for a titer of antibodies to develop. What is the difference between the traditional immunization platform and Inovio's DNA immunization platform?

Joseph Kim: Instead of using whole viruses, or weakened forms or parts of viruses, we use the DNA, or genetic blueprint, that encodes for the antigens (proteins) of our choice. We design all our products in the computer, using a genetic sequence database. We immunize patients with engineered DNA sequences that will...

Continue reading this interview with Dr. J. Joseph Kim: The Game-Changing Potential of DNA Vaccines: Inovio's Dr. Joseph Kim

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Investors rely on The Life Sciences Report to share investment ideas for the biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics industries. Our exclusive interviews with leading industry experts and analysts provide a clear picture of the causes of macro-economic shifts and the strategies that will help you capitalize on these developing trends.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. paid Streetwise Reports to conduct, produce and distribute the interview. Dr. J. Joseph Kim had final approval of the content and is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. Opinions expressed are the opinions of Dr. J. Joseph Kim and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers.

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