New Survey: The Lies We Tell - New Statistics on Lying and Honesty from

New survey results from financial website reveal who's telling the truth.

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Ask men and women what they lie about and this is what they'll say according to a new survey of over 1,200 Americans by financial website

Survey Findings:

  • When asked if they have ever lied about their accomplishments, 27.7 percent of men admitted they've done it, compared with only 16.8 percent of women.
  • 24.1 percent of men surveyed have lied on their Facebook profile versus 16.6 percent of women.
  • 21.7 percent of men surveyed acknowledged they have lied on a resume, compared with 16.3 percent of women.
  • 42.1 percent of men surveyed haven't told the truth about their financial well-being versus 37.6 percent of women.
  • Women are more likely to lie to their doctors, with 25.6 percent surveyed saying they have done so, compared with just 17.4 percent of men.
  • Women are more likely to often tell "tall tales" to their parents than men (43.6 percent vs. 37.4 percent), but men more often fib to friends (44.1 percent vs. 38.3 percent). 

For the full survey findings, including who's telling the truth, visit

Editors note: surveyed 1,254 Americans online, age 18 and over between August 8 and August 12, 2014.

About is a credit card comparison and financial education website for young adults. provides information on the financial issues, news, and trends facing Americans through proprietary market research and analysis.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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