Source: LevelUp

LevelUp Passbook Integration Is Live, Enabling Over 1.5MM Users to Pay With LevelUp From Their Digital Wallet

Merchants Can Now Reap the Benefits of LevelUp's Network Every Time Customers Choose to Pay With LevelUp From Within Passbook

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - November 19, 2014) - The nation's leading mobile loyalty and payment platform, LevelUp, announced today that their Passbook integration is live for users and merchants. The integration is easy for customers to use, mimicking the in-app payment experience LevelUp users are familiar with, and has a number of advantages for LevelUp's nationwide network of partner merchants.

LevelUp users now have the option of storing a LevelUp card in Passbook, or can opt to store merchant-specific cards for their favorite local haunts. Within merchant-specific cards, customers are able to view any loyalty credit they have available or see how close they are to earning their next loyalty reward. Merchants will soon be able to customize the look and feel of their Passbook card right from within LevelUp's merchant dashboard.

Customers' ability to pay using LevelUp from within Passbook represents a big win for merchants around the country. When customers pay with LevelUp, merchants save money on processing and gain valuable insights into their customer base. Plus they gain access to a host of cutting-edge customer engagement tools, including beacon messaging and customizable campaigns.

These benefits disappear when customers use traditional debit or credit cards to pay. LevelUp's presence in each customer's mobile wallet therefore puts partner merchants in a unique position to reap the benefits of the LevelUp loyalty platform by encouraging customers to choose LevelUp over other traditional cards.

"The open nature of Apple's digital wallet is a big win for LevelUp and our partner merchants," says Seth Priebatsch, CEO of LevelUp. "The power of LevelUp's Passbook integration is that merchants finally have a way to stand on equal footing with the major credit or debit cards in Apple's mobile wallet. Plus, this is just one of many tools merchants can use to build a successful customer engagement strategy with LevelUp."

Customers wanting to take advantage of LevelUp's Passbook integration can add the LevelUp card and merchant-branded cards to Passbook right from within the LevelUp app.

About LevelUp
LevelUp helps merchants own the shift to mobile by powering mobile-payment optimized loyalty programs, enabling their customers pay for their purchase and accrue/redeem rewards with a single scan or tap. LevelUp's analytics platform helps merchants better understand their customers and deliver the right campaigns to the right customers to drive revenue and increase customer happiness. LevelUp is currently used by over 14,000 merchant locations and 1.5 million users. Anyone can download the free LevelUp app for iPhone or Android. Merchants can also embed the LevelUp SDK into their own branded applications. Learn more at

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Crys Calderon