Source: Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Stronger Manufacturing in Southern Ontario

Minister Moore announces investment in skills training to support 8,000 workers in Ontario's manufacturing industry

MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Nov. 24, 2014) - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)

Industry Minister James Moore today announced $9 million to support manufacturers in southern Ontario. This investment will help manufacturers do what they do best - innovate, grow, create jobs and compete globally.

The Harper Government is providing funding to the Yves Landry Foundation (YLF) to continue delivering its Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence (AIME) Global initiative. The renewed initiative, which will launch December 1, 2014, will help export-oriented manufacturers provide employee training to support the adaptation of new technology, new processes or procedures that increase productivity and competitiveness.

This will increase the skills and experience of the southern Ontario workforce, while increasing manufacturing export sales and strengthening the region's export supply chains.

Quick Facts

- Manufacturing is an economic driver for Canada, employing 1.7 million Canadians. This investment will create up to 1,100 new manufacturing jobs, maintain more than 1,000 and provide training for more than 6,900 workers. This project is also expected to leverage up to $16 million from southern Ontario manufacturers.

- Since 2009, the Government of Canada has invested more than $18 million in YLF to deliver skills training in southern Ontario, which has advanced the skills of more than 9,500 workers with 451 manufacturing companies.

- The Harper Government is investing in innovation in manufacturing through initiatives such as the Advanced Manufacturing Fund, Technology Demonstration Program, the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative, and the Automotive Innovation Fund.

- Canada's manufacturing sales have bounced back and are up more than 25 percent since the recession.

- A key part of supporting manufacturers is ensuring that companies have global markets for the goods they produce. Through its Global Markets Action Plan, the Harper Government concluded seven different free trade pacts with 38 countries. It has also concluded or implemented foreign investment promotion and protection agreements with 22 countries and continues to deepen trade ties with the largest, most dynamic markets in the world.

- Canada's two most recent trade agreements, the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement, promise to add at least $14 billion annually in new economic activity, equivalent to creating more than 90,000 new jobs.

- Since 2006, Canada has gone from having free trade agreements with only five countries to now having free trade agreements in force, or being finalized, with 43 countries around the world.

- Both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) expect Canada to be among the strongest growing economies in the G7 over this year and next.

- In 2013, Canada leapt from sixth to second place in Bloomberg's ranking of the most attractive destinations for business.

- According to KPMG, total business tax costs in Canada are the lowest in the G7.


Canada's manufacturing industry is a cornerstone of our economy. The quality and range of products that come from Canada are second to none. To ensure our industry remains strong and competitive, our Government has kept taxes low, reduced red tape, promoted trade abroad and skills training at home - all of which are necessary conditions to create jobs and grow our economy. The partnership we are renewing with the Yves Landry Foundation delivers on our commitment to create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians."

- James Moore, Industry Minister

"We are very grateful for the continued support from the Government of Canada. This re-investment supports southern Ontario manufacturers to undertake training or skills upgrading that will support innovation at the shop floor level, where it is needed most. By strengthening our labour force, we are better able to compete in the global marketplace."

- Karyn Brearley, Executive Director, Yves Landry Foundation

"On behalf of Indalco Alloys and Lincoln Electric, we are proud and pleased to host this important event. As past successful participants in the Yves Landry Foundation's AIME Global initiative, we can attest to the effectiveness of great partnerships in forging a competitive environment for Canadian manufacturing."

- Joe Cacioppo, Managing Director, Indalco Alloys

Related Product

Backgrounder: Government of Canada Contribution to the Yves Landry Foundation

Associated Links

- Investing in Business Growth and Productivity initiative

- Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence Global Initiative website

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Government of Canada Contribution to the Yves Landry Foundation

The Harper Government, through the Investing in Business Growth and Productivity Initiative under FedDev Ontario, is providing the Yves Landry Foundation (YLF) with up to $9 million to continue delivering its Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence (AIME) Global initiative.

This builds on a previous Government of Canada investment of $6 million for YLF to create and deliver AIME Global in southern Ontario, which benefitted 177 manufacturers. These businesses have created and retained hundreds of jobs, commercialized new products, processes and services, as well as increased international sales.

YLF was established by leaders in Canada's manufacturing and business sectors in 1998 to advance technological education and skills training to resolve the skilled labour and technical professional shortages facing Canadian industry.

AIME Global supports southern Ontario manufacturers to undertake training activities such as:
the development of new engineering skills, training in the use of new software, hardware or other tools necessary to support innovation; and training to adopt and adapt new technologies, new manufacturing methods or any other business area that will make a southern Ontario manufacturing company more competitive in the global marketplace.

AIME Global provides between 25 to 50 percent of training costs up to a maximum of $50,000 per project. Each business is required to provide at least the matching amount of funds towards the completion of the project.

YLF will support approximately 200 manufacturers through this initiative, who will create up to 1,100 new manufacturing jobs, maintain more than 1,000 manufacturing jobs and train more than 6,900 workers. The Government of Canada's investment is expected to leverage up to $16 million from southern Ontario manufacturers.

Eligibility requirements and further details will be available on December 1, 2014, on the YLF AIME Global initiative website.

FedDev Ontario's Investing in Business Growth and Productivity initiative

The Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) initiative focuses on established businesses that have potential to be global players. It also leverages the expertise of not-for-profit organizations to strengthen the productivity and global competitiveness of southern Ontario businesses.

Funding is available to:

- Grow established businesses through facility expansion or improvements;

- Increase business adoption of new technologies and processes to improve productivity; and

- Increase business capacity to participate in global markets, diversify markets and integrate in global value chains.

Applications are being accepted and assessed on an ongoing basis. Eligibility requirements and further details are available on the FedDev Ontario website (

Related Product

News release: Stronger Manufacturing in Southern Ontario

Contact Information:

Erica Furtado
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Gary Goodyear

Media Relations
FedDev Ontario
Toll Free: 1-866-593-5505