Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

Advisory: Leaders of Organizations Representing More than Half-A Million Ontarians Join Forces to Stop the Hospital Cuts & Hospital/Home Care Privatization

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 15, 2015) -

Attn: Assignment Editor

Hospital wards, emergency departments, even entire hospitals are being closed down. Hundreds of nurses have received lay-off notices in recent months. Health professionals' services are being systematically cut from public hospitals and privatized. Hospital support services are the subject of draconian cuts. Virtually every service moved out of hospital is being privatized, and now the Health Minister has "accepted in principle" a set of recommendations that threaten wholesale home care privatization.

Leaders of organizations representing patients, seniors, concerned communities, nurses, health care worker unions and health care professionals are joining forces to announce their plan in response to the hospital cuts, and hospital and home care privatization.

When: Thursday, April 16 at 10 a.m.

Where: Outside the main doors (south facing doors) of Queen's Park, Ontario Legislative Assembly, Main Building, Toronto

Who: Representatives from groups representing patients, unions, nurses, health professionals, seniors, and concerned citizens' movements.

Contact Information:

Ontario Health Coalition
Natalie Mehra
Executive Director
(416) 441-2502 (office)
(416) 230-6402 (cell)