Source: Infrastructure Canada

Government of Canada Supports Major Highway Improvements in Saskatchewan

Project made possible thanks to New Building Canada Plan

ESTEVAN, SASKATCHEWAN--(Marketwired - May 19, 2015) - Ed Komarnicki, Member of Parliament for Souris-Moose Mountain, was joined today by Doreen Eagles, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, and Dennis Moore, Estevan City Councillor, to announce funding for the Highway 39 twinning project in Saskatchewan, which will generate economic and social benefits for the province.

Support through the New Building Canada Fund's Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component, National and Regional Projects, will be used to twin approximately 10 kilometres of Highway 39, from the Estevan East urban limit to 2.2 kilometres east of the Highway 18 junction. Additionally, the project will include intersection improvements and the construction of a new underpass to provide a grade separation for a coal haul road.

The route is a crucial linkage for the area's oil, coal and agricultural industries, and this work will enhance the highway's capacity to handle both commercial and public traffic. These improvements will increase safety and reduce the number of collisions and injuries on one of Saskatchewan's busiest highways. They will also reduce congestion and travel times and allow for future growth in the region.

The Government of Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan have jointly identified the Highway 39 twinning project in Saskatchewan as a priority for funding.

Under the terms of the New Building Canada Fund's Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component -
National and Regional Projects, the Government of Canada could contribute up to a maximum of 50 per cent of total eligible costs. The Government of Saskatchewan would be responsible for all remaining costs of the project. The details of the funding were delivered to Saskatchewan and will be released publicly at the completion of the tendering process.

The New Building Canada Plan is the largest and longest federal infrastructure plan in Canada's history.
This unprecedented commitment is providing $53 billion to support provincial, territorial and municipal infrastructure between 2014 and 2024.

Over this ten-year period, Saskatchewan will benefit from more than $1 billion in dedicated federal funding, including almost $437 million under the New Building Canada Fund.

Quick Facts

  • The Government of Canada has selected this project for funding consideration. Federal funding is conditional on the project meeting applicable federal eligibility requirements with respect to the New Building Canada Fund and the signing of a contribution agreement.
  • This is the fourth project prioritized for funding out of Saskatchewan's New Building Canada Fund allocation of $436,658,080.
  • The maximum federal contribution for this particular project has been shared with the Province of Saskatchewan but is not being released at this time in order to protect the integrity of the contracting process.
  • The $53 billion New Building Canada Plan provides stable funding for a 10-year period, and includes:
    • The Community Improvement Fund, consisting of the Gas Tax Fund and the incremental Goods and Services Tax Rebate for Municipalities, which will provide over $32 billion to municipalities for projects such as roads, public transit and recreational facilities, and other community infrastructure.
    • The $14-billion New Building Canada Fund, which consists of:
      • The $4-billion National Infrastructure Component that will support projects of national significance; and
      • The $10-billion Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component for projects of national, regional and local significance. Of this amount, $1 billion for projects in communities with fewer than 100,000 residents through the Small Communities Fund.
    • An additional $1.25 billion in funding for the Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Canada Fund administered by PPP Canada.


"Our Government's support for public infrastructure has never been stronger. We are pleased to work with the Government of Saskatchewan to approve projects under the New Building Canada Fund, to ensure that infrastructure funding continues to flow in Saskatchewan as we focus on creating jobs, promoting growth, and building strong, prosperous communities across Canada. We are proud to invest in the twinning of this segment of Highway 39 which is one of Saskatchewan's busiest highways. This segment of Highway 39 is a major transportation corridor for the province, supporting the movement of agricultural and petroleum products to national and international markets and serves as a major connector to U.S. markets. It will also enhance safety as it improves the highway's capacity to handle commercial and public traffic."

Ed Komarnicki, Member of Parliament for Souris-Moose Mountain, On behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs, and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

"Investing in major transportation infrastructure projects such as twinning, passing lanes and bypasses is an integral part of Saskatchewan's Plan for Growth. Twinning Highway 39 will increase capacity and improve safety on our province's busiest route to the U.S., benefiting tourists, shippers and local traffic alike."

Doreen Eagles, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan for Estevan

"The City of Estevan is proud to be a part of the federal and provincial dollars that will allow us to give our commuters the confidence of a safer and more efficient means of travel."

Roy Ludwig, Mayor of the City of Estevan

Associated Links

To learn more about the New Building Canada Fund - Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component - National and Regional Projects, please visit

For additional information on the New Building Canada Plan, visit

To learn more about the Government of Canada's focus on jobs and the economy consult Canada's Economic Action Plan at

Follow us on Twitter at @INFC_eng

Contact Information:

Vincent Rabault, Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure,
Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs,
and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada
for the Regions of Quebec

Joel Cherry
Senior Communications Consultant
Saskatchewan Highway and Infrastructure

Amber Smale
Estevan City Manager

Infrastructure Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154