Source: The Abbi Agency

Endeavor America Loan Services CEO Darius Mirshahzadeh Named a Glassdoor Highest Rated CEO in 2015

WALNUT CREEK, CA--(Marketwired - Jun 17, 2015) - Endeavor America Loan Services CEO Darius Mirshahzadeh has been awarded Glassdoor's Highest Rated CEO recognition for 2015. Glassdoor, a jobs and careers marketplace, released its annual report highlighting the Highest Rated CEOs, this year recognizing top leaders in countries throughout North America and parts of Europe.

Among CEOs recognized in the U.S. at small and mid-size companies, Darius Mirshahzadeh received an impressive 95% approval rating based on the anonymous and voluntary reviews Endeavor America Loan Services employees shared on Glassdoor throughout the past year.

"Our employees are our biggest asset at Endeavor America Loan Services and we have worked countless hours listening to their feedback, engaging them in company-wide team building, and rewarding them in a unique peer-to-peer recognition system," said Mirshahzadeh. "It is an honor to be recognized by such a talented and engaged team."

Mirshahzadeh is in good company at the top of the list alongside industry leaders like Google, Apple and Nike as well as smaller businesses like Hubspot and Willow Tree. CEO approval ratings are gathered through Glassdoor's online company review survey, which seeks to gain current and former employee sentiment about job and company satisfaction, the work environment and the culture. Employees are asked to rate a number of workplace factors like compensation and benefits as well as work-life balance, and asked whether they approve or disapprove of the way their CEO is leading the company. In addition, employees are asked to describe some of the upsides and downsides of working for the company and provide any advice for senior management.

"Gaining the trust and approval of an entire workforce is one of the most difficult tasks for a CEO to undertake," said Glassdoor CEO and Co-founder, Robert Hohman. "I celebrate the leaders appearing on this list because they've managed to inspire and engage their employees, as proven by the feedback shared on Glassdoor around the clock and around the world."

See the complete list of all Highest Rated CEOs in 2015:,26.htm

About Endeavor America Loan Services

The Money Source Inc. dba Endeavor America Loan Services is a national wholesale lending company, headquartered in Walnut Creek, California. Endeavor America Loan Service's core purpose is quite simple: grow happiness. We believe that by investing in the needs of our brokers, employees, and homeowners we can create an environment that fosters growth, achievement, and most importantly happiness. Learn more at

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and career marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor combines free and anonymous reviews, ratings and salary content with job listings to help job seekers find the best jobs and address critical questions that come up during the job search, application, interview and negotiation phases of employment. For employers, Glassdoor offers recruiting and employer branding solutions to help attract high-quality candidates at a fraction of the cost of other channels. Glassdoor, which has approximately 30 million members from more than 190 countries, operates one of the most popular job apps on iOS and Android. The company launched in 2008 and has raised approximately $160 million from Google Capital, Tiger Global, Benchmark, Battery Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures, DAG Ventures, Dragoneer Investment Group, and others. is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.

Contact Information:

Abbi Whitaker
The Abbi Agency
(775) 323-2977

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Lisa Holden