Source: MEMEX Inc.

Memex Automation (TSX-V: OEE) Announces Plant-Wide Roll Out of MERLIN Software by ANCA

BURLINGTON, ON--(Marketwired - Jun 18, 2015) - Astrix Networks Inc. (TSX VENTURE: OEE), operating under the trade name Memex Automation ("Memex" or the "Corporation"), is pleased to announce that ANCA, an Australian-based tool manufacturing and grinding company, has purchased the Corporation's machine productivity software solution MERLIN, for an installation on 25 machines over a defined phased roll-out by asset and time on a plant-wide basis. The value of the transaction is $110,000 USD.

Memex Automation's flagship software product, MERLIN, enables effective machine communication across the shop floor, both in monitoring machine events as well as communicating to the machines with DNC. MERLIN can also increase machine utilization by an average of 10% to 50%, and plants using MERLIN are able to improve Income From Operations by as much as 60%, with a payback in months.

"The addition of MERLIN throughout our plant will not only help us increase our machining capacity, but also improve operational efficiency, visibility and communicate revision controlled programs to machines," says Mark Patman, Manufacturing Operations Manager of ANCA. "We anticipate this will result in increased customer satisfaction and better product quality."

"Machine tool manufacturers recognize the need to be leaders and utilize the latest advanced technologies, as their customers demand the best," said John Rattray, Memex Automation's Vice President of Sales. "ANCA is connecting their various machines to the MERLIN platform, utilizing various protocols and Memex hardware, to deliver a truly inter-connected machine-to-machine (M2M) shop floor showcase in the growing market of the Asia Pacific region."

About ANCA

ANCA is a leading manufacturer of CNC tool and cutter grinders. These machines grind tools such as drills, endmills, taps, turbine blades, knee joints and hip joints for industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, tool manufacturers, medical and woodwork. For more information, please visit

About Memex Automation

Memex Automation provides award winning software to measure Machine to Machine (M2M) productivity and Overall Equipment Effectiveness ("OEE") in real-time. MERLIN (Manufacturing Enterprise Real-time Lean Information Network) generates OEE metrics for each machine in every plant. MERLIN is used by leading manufacturers and machine tool companies as a complete shop floor communications platform. For more information, please visit:

Contact Information:

Media Contacts
Memex Automation
Leanne Rattray
Communications Specialist
Phone: 905-635-1540 ext. 103

David McPhail
Phone: 519-993-1114